
  • 网络Problem Expert;problem specialists;Clunk expert
  1. 华盛顿约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院的中国问题专家皮耶·P·鲍迪乐如是说。

    Bottelier , a China expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington .

  2. 但是,位于伦敦的公共政策智囊机构查塔姆研究所(ChhathamHouse)的中东问题专家罗宾.洛说,欧洲人的外交影响力有限。

    But Robin Lowe , a Middle East expert at Chatham House , a London-based public policy institute , said the Europeans have limited diplomatic clout .

  3. 城市犯罪问题专家詹姆斯威尔逊(jameswilson)则认为,最近犯罪率的下降可由积极的文化转变来解释。

    Urban crime expert James Wilson suggests instead that the recent drop-off in crime is explained by positive cultural changes .

  4. 佛罗里达大学的GeraldMurray是海地问题专家。

    Gerald Murray at the University of Florida is an expert on Haiti .

  5. AndrewKuchins是华盛顿战略和国际研究中心俄罗斯和欧亚大陆问题专家。

    Andrew Kuchins is a Russia and Eurasia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington .

  6. 科尔盖特大学(ColgateUniversity)的腐败问题专家迈克尔•约翰斯顿指出,17世纪的英国、19世纪的瑞典都极其腐败。

    England was deeply corrupt in the 17th century , Sweden in the 19th , notes Professor Michael Johnston of Colgate University , a corruption expert .

  7. JamesKer-Lindsay是伦敦经济学院欧洲东南部问题专家。

    James Ker-Lindsay is an expert on southeast Europe at the London School of Economics .

  8. 也门问题专家,英国达拉莫大学的RodneyWilson表示,在也门,英国长期以来一直是恐怖主义袭击的目标。

    Yemen specialist Rodney Wilson of Britain 's Durham University says Britain has long been a target for terror attacks in Yemen .

  9. 一位要求不具名的德国中国问题专家表示:中国感觉到欧盟(UN)方面的敌意不断增强。他们将尝试离间法国和德国。

    The Chinese sense mounting hostility in the EU . They will try to drive a wedge between France and Germany , said a German expert on China who asked not to be named .

  10. 发展问题专家JeffWaage说,农业和卫生专家必须通力合作,解决疾病、贫困和营养不良等问题。

    Agriculture and health experts must work together to tackle disease , poverty and malnutrition , says development expert Jeff Waage .

  11. 布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)驻华盛顿的中国石油问题专家埃里卡•道恩斯(EricaDowns)称,一些中国石油企业高管质疑收购海外资产有助能源安全的说法。

    According to Erica Downs , a China energy expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington , some Chinese oil executives doubt that acquiring overseas assets enhances energy security .

  12. 不过,正如华威大学(warwickuniversity)俄罗斯与中国工会问题专家西蒙克拉克(simonclarke)强调指出的,在中国和东南亚,独立的工会常常转瞬即逝,而且入会仍然很危险。

    However , as Simon Clarke of Warwick University , who studies unions in Russia and China , stresses , independent unions in China and South East Asia are often fleeting , while membership remains hazardous .

  13. 从1998年起便开始担任唱片公司主管的松丁,是各国同事们眼中的“海盗湾”(ThePirateBay)问题专家。海盗湾是一家臭名昭著的瑞典网站,人们通过它非法下载最新的音乐和电影。

    Sundin , who has headed a record label since 1998 , was known by international colleagues as the expert on The Pirate Bay , an infamous Swedish website used to illegally download the latest music and films .

  14. 在以美国财长身份首次访华前发表的一次重要讲话中,这位中国问题专家及高盛(GoldmanSachs)前董事长表示,他将对中国财政官员说:我们希望你们成功。

    In a landmark speech before his first trip to China as treasury secretary , the China expert and former Goldman Sachs chairman said he would tell his counterparts in Beijing : We want you to succeed .

  15. RosettaNet集中了一批业务问题专家来创建电子商务流程,这可以为特定业务流程确定行业最优方法。

    RosettaNet creates e-business processes by gathering a group of business subject matter experts that identify industry best practices for a certain business process .

  16. 这些共和党人中,最经常被提到的是共和党参议员ChuckHagel,他是外交问题专家,也反对伊拉克战争。

    One of the names that crops up most often is Chuck Hagel , the former Republican senator who is a specialist in foreign affairs and a critic of the Iraq war .

  17. 霍金路伟律师事务所(HoganLovells)的中国问题专家表示,这表明中国政府对市场状态并不满意。

    China specialists at law firm Hogan Lovells said this was a sign that the government was not happy with the state of the market .

  18. 莫斯科卡内基中心(MoscowCarnegieCenter)高加索地区问题专家马拉申科(AlexeiMalashenko)说,鉴于高加索地区的局势,本周的莫斯科袭击事件不会是最后一起。

    ' Given what 's happening in the Caucasus , the attacks in Moscow this week won 't be the last , 'said Alexei Malashenko , a specialist in the region at the Moscow Carnegie Center .

  19. 乔治·佐夫(GeorgeJoffe)是伦敦国王学院的北非问题专家。他认为,北约各个成员国,早日结束针对利比亚的军事行动,而面对的财政和政治的压力越来越大。

    George Joffe , a North Africa expert at King 's College in London , says NATO allies are coming under increasing financial and political pressure to end the military operation in Libya quickly .

  20. 在亚洲近几周来上演了一连串外交和安全攻势后,美国的中国问题专家戴维兰普顿(DavidLampton)今年3月在上海发表讲话时提出的这个问题,现在看来有着惊人的预见性。

    The question posed by US China scholar , David Lampton , in a speech in Shanghai in March looks disturbingly prescient after a whirl of diplomatic and security offensives in recent weeks in the region .

  21. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)荣誉教授、定价问题专家肯特•门罗(KentMonroe)主张,学术书籍的价格已经超出“可接受的范围”,以至于大多数学生现在都在寻找获取课本的替代办法。

    Kent Monroe , a pricing expert and professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , claims that academic books have risen above the " acceptable price range " such that most students now find alternative ways to access texts .

  22. 威斯康星大学(UniversityofWisconsin)的工业与系统工程教授、驾驶员安全与自动化问题专家约翰·李(JohnLee)说,遇到这种情况时,人类通常会“进行眼神交流。在行进中,他们会对谁有先行权达成协议”。

    The way humans often deal with these situations is that " they make eye contact . On the fly , they make agreements about who has the right of way , " said John Lee , a professor of industrial and systems engineering and expert in driver safety and automation at the University of Wisconsin .

  23. 正在进行一项精灵信仰研究的阿富汗问题专家谢皮德阿扎拜亚妮摩加达姆(sepidehazarbaijani-moghaddam)认为她可能曾与精灵邂逅。

    Sepideh azarbaijani-moghaddam , a specialist on Afghanistan who has undertaken anthropological research on jinn belief , reckons she may once have been in the presence of Jinn .

  24. 工作压力问题专家们说“computeritis”(该词被收入牛津和其它词典)如果不解决好,会引起长期健康问题。

    Workplace stress experts are saying that " computeritis ," a term that has made it into the Oxford and other dictionaries , can cause long-lasting health problems if not addressed .

  25. 北韩问题专家提出两种看法,说明北韩近来采取挑衅行动的主要动机。

    North Korea experts suggest two main motivations for recent provocations .

  26. 卫生组织药瘾和酗酒问题专家咨询组

    WHO Advisory Panel of Experts on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems

  27. 南非消除种族隔离后人力资源开发问题专家组

    Expert Group on Human Resource Development for a Post-Apartheid South Africa

  28. 知识的源泉[宝库]集成电路知识产权问题专家委员会

    Committee of Experts on Intellectual property in Respect of Integrated Circuits

  29. 不结盟和发展中国家外债问题专家协商会议

    Expert Consultative Meeting of Non-Aligned and Developing Countries on External Debt

  30. 而中国的国防问题专家们对所有这些危言耸听的言论常常是嗤之以鼻。

    China security specialists tend to scoff at all the scaremongering .