- 网络Problem Expert;problem specialists;Clunk expert

Bottelier , a China expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington .
But Robin Lowe , a Middle East expert at Chatham House , a London-based public policy institute , said the Europeans have limited diplomatic clout .
Urban crime expert James Wilson suggests instead that the recent drop-off in crime is explained by positive cultural changes .
Gerald Murray at the University of Florida is an expert on Haiti .
Andrew Kuchins is a Russia and Eurasia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington .
England was deeply corrupt in the 17th century , Sweden in the 19th , notes Professor Michael Johnston of Colgate University , a corruption expert .
James Ker-Lindsay is an expert on southeast Europe at the London School of Economics .
Yemen specialist Rodney Wilson of Britain 's Durham University says Britain has long been a target for terror attacks in Yemen .
The Chinese sense mounting hostility in the EU . They will try to drive a wedge between France and Germany , said a German expert on China who asked not to be named .
Agriculture and health experts must work together to tackle disease , poverty and malnutrition , says development expert Jeff Waage .
According to Erica Downs , a China energy expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington , some Chinese oil executives doubt that acquiring overseas assets enhances energy security .
However , as Simon Clarke of Warwick University , who studies unions in Russia and China , stresses , independent unions in China and South East Asia are often fleeting , while membership remains hazardous .
Sundin , who has headed a record label since 1998 , was known by international colleagues as the expert on The Pirate Bay , an infamous Swedish website used to illegally download the latest music and films .
In a landmark speech before his first trip to China as treasury secretary , the China expert and former Goldman Sachs chairman said he would tell his counterparts in Beijing : We want you to succeed .
RosettaNet creates e-business processes by gathering a group of business subject matter experts that identify industry best practices for a certain business process .
One of the names that crops up most often is Chuck Hagel , the former Republican senator who is a specialist in foreign affairs and a critic of the Iraq war .
China specialists at law firm Hogan Lovells said this was a sign that the government was not happy with the state of the market .
' Given what 's happening in the Caucasus , the attacks in Moscow this week won 't be the last , 'said Alexei Malashenko , a specialist in the region at the Moscow Carnegie Center .
George Joffe , a North Africa expert at King 's College in London , says NATO allies are coming under increasing financial and political pressure to end the military operation in Libya quickly .
The question posed by US China scholar , David Lampton , in a speech in Shanghai in March looks disturbingly prescient after a whirl of diplomatic and security offensives in recent weeks in the region .
Kent Monroe , a pricing expert and professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , claims that academic books have risen above the " acceptable price range " such that most students now find alternative ways to access texts .
The way humans often deal with these situations is that " they make eye contact . On the fly , they make agreements about who has the right of way , " said John Lee , a professor of industrial and systems engineering and expert in driver safety and automation at the University of Wisconsin .
Sepideh azarbaijani-moghaddam , a specialist on Afghanistan who has undertaken anthropological research on jinn belief , reckons she may once have been in the presence of Jinn .
Workplace stress experts are saying that " computeritis ," a term that has made it into the Oxford and other dictionaries , can cause long-lasting health problems if not addressed .
North Korea experts suggest two main motivations for recent provocations .
WHO Advisory Panel of Experts on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems
Expert Group on Human Resource Development for a Post-Apartheid South Africa
Committee of Experts on Intellectual property in Respect of Integrated Circuits
Expert Consultative Meeting of Non-Aligned and Developing Countries on External Debt
China security specialists tend to scoff at all the scaremongering .