
  • 网络accountability mechanism;accountability
  1. 最后针对调查结果提出提升中国红十字会公信力的对策和建议,要提高公信力需要建立良好的诚信形象、建设完善的问责机制、加大信息公开透明度、强化服务理念。

    At the end , the paper put forward some suggestions to improve Red Cross Society of China credibility countermeasures . To improve the credibility need to establish a good image , good faith construction accountability mechanism , increase the transparency of information , and strengthen the concept of service .

  2. 而改革和完善决策机制,最重要的是建立领导决策失误问责机制。

    But reforming and improving decision-making mechanism , the most important way is to establish the accountability mechanism for government leadership decision-making error .

  3. 英国高等教育问责机制:现状与动向

    Accountability in Higher Education in the UK : Current and Trends

  4. 三是建立健全考核问责机制。

    Third , we will establish sound evaluation and accountability mechanisms .

  5. 第二节,完善社会问责机制。

    Part II , optimize the social accountability mechanisms .

  6. 它也意味着问责机制和公众及公民组织的话语权。

    It also means accountability mechanisms and voice of public and citizens groups .

  7. 所以,你不得不对它的权力和问责机制感到担忧。

    So you have to be very concerned about its capabilities and accountability .

  8. 我们正在推出企业记分卡的做法,改进我们的问责机制。

    And we are launching a corporate scorecard so we can be held more accountable .

  9. 将家族私有的企业上市,貌似要建立问责机制,但往往是为了达到相反的目的。

    Listing private family companies suggests accountability but is often designed to achieve the reverse .

  10. 第二章论述行政问责机制的基本概念和基本理论。

    Chapter two elaborates the basic concept and the basic theory of the mechanism of administrative accountability .

  11. 该“提议”典型地没有任何具体细节、方案和问责机制。

    The " proposal " , characteristically , had no specifics , no formulas and no accountability .

  12. “这些举措有可能进一步增强问责机制,”他说。

    " These things have the potential of raising accountability to the next level ," he says .

  13. 贵州省大方县两个乡(镇)卫生院问责机制现状案例研究

    The Case Study of the Accountability Mechanisms of Two Township Health Centers in Dafang County , Guizhou Province

  14. 五是明确监管重点,建立非公有医院监管绩效考核和问责机制。

    Fifth , a clear regulatory focus , the establishment of non-public hospital performance assessment monitoring and accountability mechanisms .

  15. 一是多元监控机制,包括公共问责机制、质量保障机制以及绩效管理机制。

    The other one , multi-supervision mechanism , consists of public accountability , quality assurance mechanism and performance management mechanism .

  16. 同时,摩洛哥固废管理规划旨在增强透明度,提升竞争力,加强问责机制,已实现私营部门可持续且经济有效的参与。

    Meanwhile , the supported program is designed to improve transparency , competitiveness , and accountability for sustainable and cost-effective private sector participation .

  17. 他们将这一情况反映给政府中的改革派,从而促成了包括对预算资金分配进行定期审计在内的正式问责机制的建立。

    This discovery was shared with government reformers , prompting the enactment of formal accountability mechanisms , including regular audits of budget allocations .

  18. 新成立的亚投行还可以建立强有效的新型问责机制,并争取所有股东支持。

    The new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has the chance to develop strong , new and effective accountability mechanisms all shareholders would support .

  19. 拨款主体是拨款制度中的实体部分,拨款机制包括财政资金的供给机制、分配机制以及问责机制。

    The funding system is the entity part of financial appropriation institution , and the funding mechanisms include supplying mechanism , allocating mechanism and accountability .

  20. 在此基础上,从价值取向、利益冲突及监督问责机制方面探究其本质原因。

    Based on that , this paper searches the essential reasons from the views of value , interest conflicts , and accountability and supervision mechanisms .

  21. 整个产品链一致性的增强和集中化的问责机制,不会遗漏任何产品或服务,将令消费者和投资者从中获益。

    Consumers and investors would benefit from greater consistency across product lines and centralised accountability so that no product or service fell through the cracks .

  22. 当你记录下你的日常习惯,你就会更有动力地维持它,因为这是一种对自己的问责机制。

    When you track your habits , you 're more motivated to keep on track , since it 's a form of accountability to yourself .

  23. 主要包括建立土地管理的共同责任机制、建立土地违法行为的问责机制。

    It mainly Includes the establishment of a common land management accountability mechanisms 、 the establishment of the land violations of the " accountability " mechanisms .

  24. 这样将精简监管机构,对机构部署进行重大调整从而明确职责,提供与其职责相称的权力,并改进问责机制。

    This would be a drastic realignment and simplification of regulatory agencies in order to clarify responsibilities , provide powers commensurate with those responsibilities and improve accountability .

  25. 建立更好的产品安全问责机制,可以让消费者对产品质量标准更有信心,在决定购买意向时不再只看价格,综合考虑其它因素。

    Promoting better accountability on safety will allow consumers to be more confident in product quality standards and make decisions based on other factors than simply price .

  26. 要彻底解决这个问题,必须建立道德问责机制,补偿道德再生产成本,创新社会保障制度和加强感恩意识教育。

    To solve this problem thoroughly , it is necessary to establish morals duty mechanism , compensate morals reproduction cost , creat social security system and reinforce feel grateful education .

  27. 我们需要更有效地协调援助,减少自我感觉良好的捐款项目,减少形象工程,加强监管,提高透明度,增强问责机制,从而树立资金会得到有效利用的信心。

    We need better coordinated aid ; fewer feel-good donor projects ; less flag-planting and strong oversight , transparency and accountability to instill confidence that the money will be used effectively .

  28. 同时,服务型政府的构建也需要相应的制度予以规范,主要有科学合理的绩效考评制度、社会问责机制及监督制度和依法行政制度等。

    Corresponding systems should be made out to standardize it , including scientific system of evaluating efficiency , mechanism on social question and response , supervising system and governance according to law .

  29. 因此,必须健全和强化地方政府行政问责机制、不断加强行政问责配套制度建设、努力形成良好的行政问责文化。

    Therefore , we must improve and strengthen the local government administrative accountability mechanisms , constantly strengthen the administrative accountability system construction support , and strive to create good administrative culture of accountability .

  30. 包括规制主体的整合重构、引进问责机制,积极引导客体、提倡激励性规制,建立和完善食品安全法律、标准、检验检测等手段。

    Including integrate and reconstruct the regulation of the main , introduction of accountability mechanisms , and actively guide the object to promote incentive regulation , establish and improve the food safety laws , standards , inspection and other means .