
xiāng biān
  • edge piping;band;bordure;cording;inset;edge
镶边 [xiāng biān]
  • (1) [inset]∶镶入服装内的一块衣料(如为了装饰)

  • (2) [edge]∶用花边、滚条、边、带或装饰品;给加边

  • 给罩衫镶边

镶边[xiāng biān]
  1. 半重瓣珊瑚色星形花,梅子色喷点宽镶边,细的白绿色细边。

    Semidouble coral star / raspberry fantasy , band ; thin white-green edge .

  2. 套到木竿尖上防止其裂开的金属包头或镶边。

    A metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting .

  3. 这些车座的特点是带有在夜间可视的反光镶边。

    The saddles feature a reflective trim for night time visibility .

  4. 用镶边、系带和流苏装饰朴素的床罩和窗帘。

    Embellish basic covers and curtains with borders , ties and fringing .

  5. 他摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。

    He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell .

  6. 毯子是由亚麻编织,羊毛镶边的。

    The blanket was woven from hemp and embroidered with wool .

  7. 肌核改变可能是IBM的病因基础,镶边空泡和肌浆内包涵体有可能来自于崩解的肌核。

    Also the results suggested that myonuclear alterations might lead to the basic genesis of IBM .

  8. OscardelaRenta推出了一款皮草镶边的刺绣针织短裙。

    Oscar de la Renta did an embroidered , fur-hemmed flapper dress .

  9. 零理想边界的镶边Riemann曲面的椭圆维数

    The Elliptic Dimension of a Bordered Riemann Surface with Null Ideal Boundary

  10. 本文介绍了以低压聚乙烯垫底、镶边、粉末直接压片、X荧光谱定量测定土壤中常量元素的方法。

    The method has been described on the determination of major elements in soil using pressed powder pellets rimmed and backed with low pressure polyethlene by XRF .

  11. 介绍基于快速傅立叶变换FFT、褶积镶边理论以及线性相位理论所开发出的FIR数字滤波系统及工作原理。

    Finite impulse response digital filter system ( FIRDFS ) based on the theory of Fast Fourier Transformation , Convolution and Linear Phase is presented in the paper .

  12. 对于由n阶幻方造n+2阶幻方的镶边法,从理论上进行了系统的探讨,给出了一整套行之有效的法则及其严格证明。

    In this paper we make a systematic study on the theory of the edging method of constructing the n + 2 orders magic square by the n orders magic square and give a set of valid rules and their strict proving .

  13. 有皮草装饰的毛衣本季的另一件热门时尚单品便是有毛皮镶边的毛衣或开衫,在PhilipLim、AlexanderWang以及Chloe等大牌时装中,你都可以找到它们的身影。

    Trim sweaters Another hot trend this season is sweaters and cardigans with fur trims , which can be seen in the collections of brands like Philip Lim , Alexander Wang and Chloe .

  14. 周一晚上,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)身穿中国设计师郭培设计的黄色皮毛镶边绸缎礼服出席大都会艺术博物馆的慈善晚宴(MetGala),成为Twitter上的热议话题,人们戏谑地把这件礼服与煎蛋饼和披萨相比较。

    When Rihanna wore a fur-trimmed yellow satin gown by the Chinese-born designer Guo Pei to the Met Gala on Monday night , it became the talk of Twitter , which erupted with jokey comparisons to omelets and pizzas .

  15. 提出了一种Bark尺度倒谱系数(BSCC)失真测度。它是采用一种余弦镶边临界带滤波器组代替Mel频率三角滤波器组进行倒谱分析的。

    The dissertation proposes BSCC ( Bark-Scale Cepstrum Coefficient ) distortion measure , where a kind of Cosine-fringed Critical Filter-bank , instead of Mel-frequency triangle filter-bank , is employed to frequency warping .

  16. 本文介绍了普通F-K滤波方法的原理,分析了它的不足,提出了在频率波数域内用镶边的方法来设计二维滤波器的方法。

    This article introduced the ordinary F-K filter method principle , has analyzed its insufficiency , proposed wave number domain in with borders the law in the frequency to design the two-dimensional filter the method .

  17. 那天蕾哈娜穿的是鲜黄色皮毛镶边长袍和披风,重55磅(约合25公斤),花费5万个小时、两年多时间制作。她的造型登上了《Vogue》美国版封面,而郭培的高级定制时装秀也计划将在巴黎举办。

    The look in question , a 55-pound canary-yellow fur-trimmed gown and cape , took seamstresses 50000 hours and more than two years to make and landed on the cover of American Vogue - and Ms. Guo on the haute couture schedule in Paris .

  18. 例如,可以去看看burberry的黑色无毛貂皮军装大衣,以及brioni用南美栗鼠皮镶边的羊绒短外套(不过,3万美元的建议零售价可不算便宜)。

    See , for example , the black shaved mink trenchcoat from Burberry and chinchilla-lined cashmere top coat from Brioni ( not exactly a snip at $ 30000 suggested retail price ) .

  19. 农村妇女制造的NaksiKantha是镶边、絮有棉花的拼凑布料,目前在农村和城镇仍然很多。

    Naksi Kantha , embroidered quilted patchwork cloth produced by the village women , is still familiar in villages and towns simultaneously .

  20. 二是设计了一种新的余弦镶边滤波器代替Mel谱中的三角滤波器,使之对于共振峰的频移不敏感,增强了客观测度在噪声环境中提取共振峰参数的能力;

    Second , we design a novel cosine fringed critical filter bank instead of triangle filter bank used in Mel SDM , which is not sensitive to the excursion of formant , and thus more robust when extracting the formant parameters in noisy environment ;

  21. Rodarte的外套上饰有蓬松柔软的棉线,长裙上镶嵌着不对称的雪纺褶皱,并且晚礼服上会有密密的镶边。

    Its coats came overlaid with quilted , shaggy string , dresses bore asymmetric pleated chiffons , and evening coats came densely embroidered .

  22. 海南岛白沙陨击坑是一个直径约3.5km的环形镶边坳陷,组成陨击坑边缘的环形山连续性好,并具二元结构;

    The Baisha meteorite-impacted crater is a circular rimmed depression with about 3 . 5km in diameter in Hainan Island . The mountain range surrounding the crater is obviously continuous with a binary configuration composed of the lower and upper parts .

  23. 重瓣粉红色花,有些红色的喷点,红色宽镶边。

    Semidouble pink / some red fantasy , red sparkle edge .

  24. 上个月你还为自己弄了一辆镶边的车。

    You even got yourself a nice paneled car last month .

  25. 半重瓣的大朵星型花,白色底,有变异的蓝色眼及蓝色镶边。

    Semidouble white large star / variable blue-marked eye , edge .

  26. 特殊音效处理镶边的一种改进设计与实现

    Improved Design and Implement for Digital Processing of Audio Effect Flanging

  27. 半重瓣白色折边堇型花,有蓝到深紫的眼和镶边。

    Semidouble white ruffled pansy / blue-purple blushed eye , edge .

  28. 半重瓣的白色折边星型花,宽的蓝色镶边。

    Semidouble white ruffled star / wide medium blue edge .

  29. 半重瓣星型花,粉红色底,蓝色和玫瑰色的喷点,玫瑰红的镶边。

    Semidouble pink star / blue and rose fantasy , rose-fuchsia edge .

  30. 半重瓣淡紫色星形花,有深色的喷点,耀眼的镶边。

    Semidouble mauve star / darker fantasy , glitter edge .