
xiānɡ qiàn tú àn
  • tessellation;mosaic
  1. 这块嵌板和在其他地方找到的镶嵌图案有明显的相似之处。

    The panel shows marked similarities with mosaics found elsewhere .

  2. 他的画使我想起在意大利看到过的拜占庭镶嵌图案。

    His painting calls to mind those old Byzantine mosaics we saw in italy .

  3. 现在人们都用电脑设计镶嵌图案。

    They use computers to design mosaics nowadays .

  4. 这些玻璃窗画上了图案。他们还用玻璃镶嵌图案(把许多彩色小块玻璃拼成图案)。

    The glass windows were figured with designs . They decorated their palaces with glass mosaics ( pictures made by putting together small bits of colored glass ) .

  5. 桌子装饰着黄金镶嵌的图案。

    The table was decorated with gold inlay .

  6. 他买了一张桌子,自己在上面镶嵌上图案。

    He bought a table in which he inlaid design himself .

  7. 在里面,游客可以看到圆形屋顶镶的天花镶嵌各式图案工艺。

    Inside , visitors'gazes are drawn to colorful mosaics on the dome ceiling .

  8. 内侧大部分的饿墙和拱顶区域镶嵌着图案,在破旧的教堂里,用壁画装饰。

    The maximum possible wall and vault area inside is covered by mosaic or , in poorer churches , by fresco paintings .

  9. 干净明亮的地上镶嵌着白色图案。

    The unsullied and shining floor was paved with white mosaics .

  10. 水井用带有边框的大装饰板来装饰。装饰板上有精美的类似镶嵌的装饰图案,图案包括花瓣、种子、草地、树叶、树皮、浆果和苔藓。

    The wells are dressed with large framed panels decorated with elaborate mosaic - like pictures made of flower petals , seeds , grasses , leaves , tree bark , berries and moss .

  11. 用五颜六色的小石子或瓦片在水泥板上镶嵌面成的图案。

    An illustration composed of small , colored stones or tiles set into cement .

  12. 这些被创作出的生物本身非常具有纹理、很吓人、镶嵌着奇异的图案,有些类似撒旦的咆哮。

    The creatures themselves are veiny , scary , and bordering on the grotesque , with Satan-worthy roars .

  13. 通过木嵌、象牙嵌、螺钿嵌及百宝嵌,镶嵌出不同的图案,如山水、花卉、草虫,或加上银、铜装饰物。

    There may , however , also BE wood , ivory and diamond inlays in the design of landscapes , flowers and birds or small bronze and silver ornamentation .