
  • 网络Behind The Camera
  1. 候选人在镜头背后说的和做的,可能才显示出他们的真正面目。

    What the candidates say and do behind the camera may show them in their true colours .

  2. 今天也是三八妇女节,所以我要借此机会向在场以及在镜头背后的所有女士们致以节日的祝贺。

    Today is the International Women 's Day . I would like to take this opportunity to offer my best festive greetings to all the ladies in this room , including those behind the cameras .

  3. 这两个行业当然有很大的不同:一个聚焦于改变这个世界的公共事件;另一个则主要关心发生在镜头背后的个人经历。

    The two industries are very different , of course : one focuses its lens on the public events that change our world ; the other is concerned largely with the personal stuff that happens behind the scenes .