
  • 网络Through The Looking Glass
  1. 伊姆霍尔兹说,“今天我收到一份世界语译本的《爱丽丝漫游镜中世界》(ThroughtheLookingGlass),它是在叶卡特琳堡印刷的,沙皇就是在那里遇刺。”

    Mr. Imholtz said , " Today came in the mail an Esperanto translation of ' Through the Looking Glass , " printed in Ekaterinburg where the Czar was killed . " DRAWN , ELABORATELY

  2. 梦镜中的世界&试析叶芝早期诗歌中爱尔兰民间传说主题

    A Created World of Dream & On the Irish Folklore Motif in Yeats'Early Poetry

  3. 他所能做的,就是表达自己身处镜中奇遇世界的感受,在这个世界里,传统的想法在他看来都是错的。

    All he could do was to express the sensation of being in a Looking-Glass world , in which from his point of view the conventional ideas were the wrong way about .