
  1. 东莞市樟木头镇副镇长徐鸿飞说,这两家玩具企业突然倒闭是由于受到目前国际金融危机的影响。

    Xu Hongfei , deputy chief of Zhangmutou Township Government , said the factories closed because of the continuing international financial crisis .

  2. 他们都是lvm马纳萨斯镇地方分会的副队长。

    They are all lieutenants in lvm 's Manassas chapter .

  3. 他的爸爸作为莉莉安镇警局的副警长,全部的时间全花在了拯救小镇居民上。

    His father ( Kyle Chandler ), Lillian 's deputy sheriff , has his hands full trying to save the town .

  4. 作为浙江省省级中心镇和乐清城市副中心,A镇的经济总量一直处于温州市领先地位。

    As " provincial central town " and " Leqing sub-civic center " of Zhejiang province , B town isin Wenzhou lead position all the time on economic gross .