
  • 网络Zhenjiang International Hotel
  1. 快来加入最佳西方镇江国际饭店“天使之约”圣诞活动,体验这个冬日佳节带来的无限温馨吧!

    Join in our " Date with an Angel " party and experience the limitless warm this winter holiday bringing us !

  2. 想给家人、朋友、商务伙伴带去一份别致的圣诞礼物和惊喜吗?现在就加入最佳西方镇江国际饭店“天使之约”圣诞狂欢夜,尽情享受这份专属于您的快乐。

    Having you prepared the christmas gifts and surprise for your family and friends ? Join us " DATE WITH AN ANGEL " CHRISTMAS EVE and enjoy the happiness to your name .