
  • 网络the gilded age;The golden age
  1. 不管是商业投资、还是豪华消费,镀金时代(GildedAge)都算得上极度挥霍的时期之一。

    The Gilded Age was one of extreme profligacy , both in business investment and sumptuous expenditure .

  2. 问:对于你在NBC台的剧集《镀金时代》(TheGildedAge),你有没有做什么调整来适应美国观众?

    Q. Are you approaching your NBC drama , " The Gilded Age , " differently for an American audience ?

  3. 镀金时代的一些名人如金融家J?P?摩根就是在那里避暑的。

    Gilded-Age figures such as J.P. Morgan , the financier , summered there .

  4. 答:它的灵感来自于19世纪与20世纪之交的纽约私人俱乐部、第五大道上的镀金时代大厦,以及斯坦福·怀特(StanfordWhite)的建筑杰作。

    A. It 's inspired by New York City 's turn-of-the-20th-century private clubs , Fifth Avenue 's Gilded Age mansions and Stanford White 's architectural masterpieces .

  5. 1987年的股灾之后,《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)在其头版为“放肆的镀金时代”祭上了一篇讣告,文章援引大思想家的话,预言肆无忌惮的自利行为行将在美国消亡。

    After the 1987 stock market crash , the New York Times offered up a page-one obituary for a " gilded , impudent age , " quoting great minds who predicted the demise of unbridled self-interest in America .

  6. 镀金时代(gildedage)的人物,如洛克菲勒、古尔德和摩根,可能在不同程度上两种活动都从事了。

    The figures of the gilded age , such as Rockefeller , Gould and Morgan , were engaged in both activities , perhaps to varied degrees .

  7. 我们生活在一个重视竞争而轻视合作的时代,一个比镀金时代(GildedAge)更加自恋的时代,一个比杰克逊时代(theageofJackson)更加自大。

    We are living in an age that prizes competition and demeans cooperation , an era more narcissistic than the Gilded Age , more hubristic than the age of Jackson .

  8. 她是适合我们这个新的镀金时代的明星;不管从音乐还是其他方面,她与丈夫JayZ都十分般配,因为JayZ也是业界重要的资本家。

    She 's afit star for our new gilded age , and an apt match , musical and otherwise , for her husband Jay Z , another arch-capitalist .

  9. 接下来让我们快进到20世纪90年代,也就是卡洛斯•梅内姆总统的镀金时代。

    Fast-forward to the 1990s Gilded Age of President Carlos Menem .

  10. 《镀金时代》&一部为时代命名的书

    The Gilded Age & A Novel Named for the Time

  11. 殖民地时期至镀金时代美国个人主义的发展

    The Development of American Individualism from Colonial Period to the Gilded Age

  12. “镀金时代”的美国社会问题涌现。

    America abounded with social problems in the " Gilded Age " .

  13. 美国报业市场的孕育成熟是在镀金时代形成的。

    The maturity of newspapering market was formed in the Gilded age .

  14. 按英文原意,应该是:镀金时代巨大的收入不平等和财富不平等消失了。

    The vast income and wealth inequalities of the Gilded Age had disappeared .

  15. 报业的繁荣与镀金时代的时代特色息息相关。

    The prosperity of newspaper has intimate affinity with the characteristic of Gilded age .

  16. 美国镀金时代的社会经济政策及其影响

    Social Economic Policy during American Golden Times

  17. 上海房地产的镀金时代

    The Gilt Age of Shanghai Property Market

  18. 镀金时代美国政府的施政行为与亚当·斯密之自由放任思想

    The Administration of US Government in Golden Times and Adam Smith 's Laissez faire Thought

  19. 镀金时代大平原开发缓慢的表现及原因分析

    The Slow Development of the Great Plains during Gilded Age : Representation and Its Reason Analysis

  20. 这就是镀金时代

    This is the Gilded Age .

  21. 在我们当今的镀金时代,私人收藏博物馆再一次兴起,但又有所不同。

    In our present Gilded Age , private collection museums are again proliferating , but with a difference .

  22. 镀金时代的工业革命极大地推动了社会生产力的进步,也为报业发展创造了前所未有的物质条件。

    The industrial revolution of the Gilded age promote social productivity greatly , which also provide unprecedented material condition .

  23. 由于复杂的社会政治经济因素,美国政府在镀金时代推行了自由放任的社会经济政策。

    During the golden times , the U.S.government enforced the economic policy of allowing unrestrained political and economic reasons .

  24. 中美两国经济崛起之比较&镀金时代的美国与改革开放30年来的中国

    Comparing Economic Rising up between China and USA & America in Gilded Age and China since Economic Reform in 1978

  25. 再说说美国的镀金时代:美国当时享有强劲的增长,外国资金起到助推作用,这一增长也曾被多次金融恐慌打断。

    As for the US in the Gilded Age , it enjoyed strong growth , fuelled by foreign money and punctuated by financial panics .

  26. 与此形成鲜明对比的是,生活在镀金时代的下层美国人一年四季只能穿一双鞋,只能用一块即将融化的冰块来保存食物。

    In miserable contrast , the below-average Gilded Age American had to make do with a pair of shoes and a melting block of ice .

  27. 除开给了我们《塞勒斯》以外,《镀金时代》是一本混乱的小说,恶棍和英雄都勾画得不够清楚。

    A part from giving us sellers , the gilded age is a confused book : its villains and its heros are too easily interchangeable .

  28. 即便绝大多数富人的财产在流失,仍然有人正在的车库里打造或迎接着下镀金时代。

    But even as the vast majority of the wealthy are losing wealth , some are gaining or forging the next Gilded Age in their garages .

  29. 美国镀金时代指美国内战后赤裸裸、革命性的那个年代,它奠定了美国现代资本主义的基石。

    Living extension of its first gilded age : the raw , revolutionary decades after the civil war that laid the foundations of modern US capitalism .

  30. 中期作品,如长篇小说《镀金时代》马克·吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”。

    Middle work , like novel 《 plate with gold ages 》 Mark · vomit to be praise for " Lincoln in the American literature " .