- 网络Error Probability;probability of error;error rate;SEP

To process an iris image , this system needs only 0.2 second . The EER ( Equal Error Rate ) is 3.9 % in testing the CASIA iris library .
Anyway , in the WMAN communications system , the effects of multipath fading channel may cause to weaken the system performance , and lead into the co-existence of random errors and burst errors , but the end user applications often require low packet error rate and high throughput .
Analysis of the pairwise error probability over the correlated shadowed Rice fading channel
On the Probability of Undetected Error for q-ary Nonlinear Constant Weight Codes
This paper introduces a frame detection algorithm based on the minimum error probability principle , and gives its realization in FPGA .
Fault-tolerant detection algorithm obtains minimum detection error probability by the optimization of (λ, k ) and the optimal detection error decreases exponentially with the increase of cooperation users .
The spectral efficiency and pairwise error probability ( PEP ) is also considered .
Noncoherent reception error probability for m-sequence coded MSK signals
Undetected Error Probability for Shortened Hamming Codes and R-M Codes
The watermark can be detected with zero error probability even if the quality of watermarked image is as poor as 26 dB in PSNR after corrupted by additive Gaussian noise .
Undetected Error Probability for the Fourth Class of SAB Codes
To analyze the performance of cooperative LDPC codes , bilayer EXtrinsic Information Transfer ( EXIT ) charts based on message-error rate is devised as an extension of standard EXIT .
Packet-Error Probability Analysis lor Unslotted FH-CDMA System
Bounds of undetected error probability ( UEP ) for binary constant weight codes ( BCWCs ) are studied in this paper .
At the same time , data services require extremely low link error probability , while unfortunately the spatial multiplexing will introduce the impact of the multi-stream interference ( MSI ) .
Starting from the precise pair-wise error probability ( PEP ), the joint border of group coding signal error probability ( SEP ) in differential unitary space – time ( DUST ) modulation is deduced .
Through a performance analysis and simulation on generated methods , maximum minimum distance , undetected error probabilities , code weight distribution , good extended shortened codes are determined and general rule is concluded .
In this paper , starting with the relationship between error propability of a bitplane and parity groups , we treat rate allocation in DVC without FC as a classification problem , and then propose a new scheme to estimate rate based on BP-neural network .
Aiming at the performance characteristics of MB-OFDM UWB , the formula for coding gain and diversity gain is worked out based on pairwise error probability of theoretical analyzing system .
The equalization algorithm based on maximum a posteriori ( MAP ) estimation is the optimal algorithm which is based on the minimum probability of the error criterion , while the high complexity of the algorithm restricts its practical application .
By analyzing the pairwise error probability ( PEP ), we prove that the DSF OFDM system can achieve full diversity gain and maximum coding gains over frequency selective fading channel by choosing optimum rotation matrix .
For MIMO channels with fading correlation , a scheme is proposed to design the initialization matrix of differential space-time block code by utilizing the information about fading correlation . The design is conducted by minimizing the upper bound on the average pairwise error probability of the differential detector .
The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag , with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features . The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation .
Finally it shows that the backpropagation neural nets with appropriate layers and nodes , which take the minimum-mean-squared-error as its optimization goal , also minimize the error probability , thus leading to an - other realization of the MEP equalization .
An upper bound on the average MAP decoding error probability of Slepian-Wolf systems for correlated general sources is derived , and a new proof of the direct part of the Slepian-Wolf theorem for correlated general sources is given based on this bound .
The performance analysis of space-time codes based on pair-wise error probability
A formula of undetectable error probability is ( deduced . )
The frame synchronization error ratios for both algorithms are derived .
Variable Step Size Blind Equalization Algorithm Based on Minimum Error Probability
Group statistics on undetectable error probabilities of linear block codes