- 名banking act;banking law

It was this logic that ensured a clear separation in the US banking act of 1933 between deposit-taking commercial banks and the speculative investment banking business .
So far , China still does not have a specific Policy Banking Act .
He maintains , however , his threat to amend the Bank of Japan law if the bank does not co-operate .
Interest control in developed countries were derived from the Great Depresses in 1929 . The United State had the to regulate the saving and loan interests ( called Q statute ) .
Although the laws were constituted , such as and some related regulations , yet cannot conform to the WTO rules and the market economy development and be not enough to structure the legal institution base of the modern financial supervision in China .
Macro Adjustments and Controls Law Attribute Analysis of the Bank Law
A Comparative Study of Some Issues of Chinese and Foreign Banking Laws
Making and Development of Laws of Policy - Banks in Foreign Countries
On Several Problems in Amending the People 's Banking Law
The inspiration of amending The Law of Commercial Banks
FOR THE PEOPLE The Flaw of the PRC . Remin Bank Act and Its Amendment
The Necessity of Further Perfection of The Law of the People 's Bank of China
Errors in the English Version of the Commercial Banking Law of the People 's Republic of China
Bafin confirmed there were exceptions to the banking law on this point but declined to comment further .
You know I know it 's all right , but the thing is against the banking laws .
At present , institution of policy bank law is a prerequisite to the stable development of policy bank .
Notes ( 3 ): The payment of interest on demand deposits was prohibited by the Banking Act of1933 .
As to the banking legislation theory and practice , developed countries are evolving a series of mature system .
In 1995 , the Law of the Commercial Bank was issued , symbolizing historic breakthrough of financial system reformation .
Finally it points out that the system of banking control law includes central bank law and policy bank law .
But our Commercial Bank Law has stipulated clearly that our commercial banks ' operation model is separating-operation and specialized supervision .
It obeys the regulations of the Commercial Bank Law , and runs under the supervision of the financial supervisory department .
However , this will now be partially permitted following an amendment to the country'scommercial banking law by the National Peoples'Congress .
According to the Bank Law of our country , the authority to issue currency shall be vested in the central bank .
Based on the revised central bank law , the function of central banks contains monetary policy , financial stabilization and financial service .
Protesters say Spain 's banking laws - some of the strictest in the world - leave mortgage borrowers with too much debt .
Second , the pa age of central banking and commercial banking laws in 1995 has provided legal basis for the banking system in China .
Thus , the limitation of commercial banks on non-financial institutions stake restrict the optimum relationship mode between the small and medium-sized enterprises and banks .
Profits from overseas experience in paying equal attention to both legislation rules and organization construction , we must grasp those cardinal principles during legislation process .
Shirley : Yes , it 's a general name for several laws related to economics , like Commercial Law , and Law of Central Bank .