
  1. 试论原敬对美协调外交思想的原点

    A Discussion on Critical Point of Hara Takashi to diplomacy of coordinating with US

  2. 战前日本执行协调外交的结果,使日本遭遇了又一种外交困境。

    The result of Japan carrying out this diplomacy made Japan fall into another difficult diplomatic position .

  3. 战前日本协调外交遭遇困境原因探析

    The Analysis on the Reason that Made Japanese Coordinated Diplomacy Fall into the Difficult Position before the World War II

  4. 你知道,他们会协调外交政策。我感觉,这背后有北京插手。

    As you know , they co-ordinate their foreign policies and I have a feeling the hand of Beijing was involved here .

  5. 美国国务院上周五表示,此举带有加剧紧张的风险,“与通过协调外交努力解决分歧的做法相抵触”。

    The US state department on Friday said the move risked raising tensions " counter to collaborative diplomatic efforts to resolve differences . "

  6. 在制度控制层面,通过协调外交关系中的交往行为,以实现部落社会的和谐。

    In the system control , the behavior of the interflow in the diplomatic relations is coordinated to realize the harmony among the inter-tribal society .

  7. 马来西亚国防部长兼代理交通部长希沙姆丁•侯赛因(HishamuddinHussein)说,此次行动将“为搜寻工作的协调和外交带来新挑战”。

    Hishamuddin Hussein , Malaysia 's defence and acting transport minister , said the move could bring " new challenges of co-ordination and diplomacy to the search effort . "

  8. 俄中正加紧协调两国在外交问题(包括叙利亚问题)上的立场。

    Moscow and Beijing are co-ordinating their stance more closely over foreign policy issues , including Syria .

  9. 对于刚果,欧洲应出钱、出人,拿出协调一致的外交努力来,平心而论,我们过去干涉了刚果,很有作用,如2003年在伊图利。

    Europe should put money , men and concerted diplomatic effort into the Congo where we have , to be fair , intervened helpfully in the past , for example in Ituri in 2003 .

  10. 统筹协调好双边外交与多边外交、国别区域外交与各领域外交工作,推动我国与各大国、周边国家和发展中国家的关系全面深入发展。

    We will make overall plans for coordinating bilateral and multilateral diplomacy as well as diplomacy with individual countries and regions and in various fields , and promote further , comprehensive development of our relations with major powers , neighboring countries , and developing countries .

  11. 原敬以日美协调为基本的协调外交思想是源于一战后美国政治、经济地位的上升。

    The idea of applying coordination to diplomacy roots in the increased political influence and economic impact of the US .