
  • 网络Guardians of the Galaxy
  1. 《银河护卫队》上映首周获得9400万美元的票房,名列本周末票房榜冠军。

    At the weekend box office , Guardians of the Galaxy took top honors , bringing an estimated 94 million dollars in its debut weekend .

  2. 漫威同时授权网易在中国在网上刊载包括《银河护卫队》、《超能蜘蛛侠》、《美国队长》在内的12部正版漫威漫画作品。

    Meanwhile , Marvel authorized Netease to release 12 legal copies of its comic stories online in China , including " Guardians of the Galaxy , " " The Amazing Spider-Man " and " Captain America . "

  3. 范·迪塞尔(VinDiesel),《银河护卫队》(GuardiansOfTheGalaxy)

    Vin Diesel , " Guardians Of The Galaxy "

  4. 漫威影业(Marvel)出品的《银河护卫队》(GuardiansoftheGalaxy)一大特征是令人捧腹的愚蠢。

    The distinguishing mark of Marvel 's " Guardians of the Galaxy " is its pleasing silliness .

  5. 影片发行方为BHTilt,《银河护卫队》导演詹姆斯?刚担任该片编剧,克瑞格?麦克林恩担任导演。

    Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn penned the BH Tilt release , directed by Greg McLean .

  6. 这场谈判硬仗的不良影响还波及到了其他卖座大片,像是大制作的超级英雄大片《美国队长2:冬日战士》(CaptainAmerica:TheWinterSoldier)以及《银河护卫队》(GuardiansoftheGalaxy)。

    Fallout from the companies ' hard-nosed negotiations also extends to other popular titles , including big-budget superhero flicks Captain America : The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy .

  7. 《银河护卫队》被标记为PG-13级影片(家长强烈警告)。

    Guardians of the Galaxy is rated PG-13 ( Parents strongly cautioned ) .

  8. 但在《银河护卫队》里,他也唤起了一些情感,甚至包括恐惧中静静的绝望,以及德拉克斯(Drax,大卫·巴蒂斯塔[DaveBautista]饰演,非常可怕)这样的兽性角色心中的绝望。

    But in Guardians of the Galaxy , he also summons up some emotion and even quiet desperation amid the scares and the brutes like Drax ( a terrific Dave Bautista ) .

  9. 但在《银河护卫队》里,他也唤起了一些情感,甚至包括恐惧中静静的绝望,以及德拉克斯(Drax,大卫·巴蒂斯塔[DaveBautista]饰演,非常可怕)这样的兽性角色心中的绝望。

    But in " Guardians of the Galaxy , " he also summons up some emotion and even quiet desperation amid the scares and the brutes like Drax ( a terrific Dave Bautista ) .

  10. 即便如此,《银河护卫队》依旧令我印象深刻。

    That said , I was quite impressed with Guardians .

  11. 制作《银河护卫队》对漫威是个不小的赌注。

    Marvel took a tremendous gamble in producing Guardians of the Galaxy .

  12. 《银河护卫队2》

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

  13. 《银河护卫队》选择了一些二流人物为主角,同时也给了他们机会像那些最受欢迎的超级英雄一样大放光彩。

    Guardians of the Galaxy takes B-list heroes and gives them a well-deserved chance to shine alongside their more popular super-powered peers .

  14. 漫威还宣布了《蚁人》的演员阵容,同时宣布《银河护卫队2》即将在2017年7月上映。

    Marvel also announced official casting for Ant-Man and revealed that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will arrive in theaters in July 2017 .

  15. 在上一部中,他见证了银河护卫队的大部分队员、奇异博士和蜘蛛侠的离去。

    When we last saw him , he had witnessed most of the Guardians of the Galaxy , Doctor Strange and Spider-Man disappearing .

  16. 《银河护卫队》之所以能成为一部大获成功的超级英雄系列电影,原因之一就是它的幽默感。这部影片充满了自嘲和讽刺。

    One of the things that makes Guardians such a great superhero franchise is its sense of humor - which is full of self-deprecation and sarcasm .

  17. 克里斯帕拉特接受《今夜娱乐》的采访,本来目的是为了宣传他的新片《银河护卫队》,不过,他中途打断了采访,为一个女孩编了一条法式麻花辫。

    He was there to promote new movie Guardians Of The Galaxy . But Chris Pratt interrupted his Entertainment Tonight interview midway through to French braid a woman 's hair .

  18. 《银河护卫队》中的许多人物从未登上过漫威电影的大荧幕,而他们各自的背景也只有那些资深漫威迷才说得出。

    Guardians introduces quite a few characters never before seen on film , and each has a backstory only the dedicated comic book fan could be expected to know offhand .

  19. 我们指的是蚁人、黑豹、银河护卫队……甚至连索尼旗下人物蜘蛛侠也会亮相,因为大家要合力打败灭霸。

    We 're talking Ant-Man , Black Panther , and the Guardians of the Galaxy ... even Sony-owned character Spider-Man is making an appearance as everyone joins forces to confront Thanos .

  20. 《银河护卫队》全球总票房已经超过6.53亿美元(约40亿元人民币),目前为止是美国今年盈利最高的影片。

    Guardians has grossed over $ 653 million ( about 4 billion yuan ) at box offices worldwide , and it 's the highest grossing film of the year in the US .

  21. 文章还指出,不论是美剧《生活大爆炸》,还是漫画改编的电影《银河护卫队》,这些曾经的边缘文化都成了备受欢迎的流行文化。

    Whether it be TV series like The Big Bang Theory or comic-book movies like the new Guardians of the Galaxy , the article says once-marginalized bits of culture are increasingly popular with people of all stripes .

  22. 无论如何,《自杀小队》超过2014年8月档上映的漫威电影《银河护卫队》应无悬念。《银河护卫队》首映票房为9430万美元,是8月档首映票房排行榜的冠军。

    Either way , Suicide Squad should have no trouble coming in ahead of Marvel and Disney 's Guardians of the Galaxy , which launched to 94.3 million dollars domestically in early August 2014 and remains the record holder for top August opening .

  23. 至于为什么选择连漫威粉丝也不熟悉的演员来出演上气,周黎明指出,漫威过去也曾选择过同样没什么名气的演员,但最后票房却还不错,《银河护卫队》就是个例子。

    As for the choice of Shang-Chi , a little-known character even to Marvel fans , Zhou said Marvel had made similar decisions on films about lesser known characters that paid off at the box office , such as the Guardians of the Galaxy films .

  24. 想一想:这样做可以满足迪塞尔沉浸在《星际传奇2》和《银河护卫队》这类票房大卖的影片中的愿望,而且主角们大战狼人绝对有意思。

    Think of it : This could sate Diesel 's clear desire to indulge in genre fare like The Chronicles of Riddick and Guardians of the Galaxy . Plus , it would be a hoot to see Dom and Luke and Letty battle the Wolfman .

  25. 要想沉迷在电影世界中,有很多种不同的方式,《银河护卫队》带你进入一个又一个疯狂的叙事转折,也推动着你进入一个完全可以感知的异世界,大多数时候能让你沉浸其中。

    There are different ways to get lost in a movie , and while " Guardians " takes you down one after another crazy narrative turn , it also pulls you into - and , for the most part , keeps you in - a fully realized other world .

  26. 从漫威影业角度、不仅仅是银河系影片角度来看,《银河护卫队》属于一部讨喜的轻量级作品,尽管影片有许多打斗场面以及眼花缭乱的视觉效果。

    In the grand scheme of things - Marvel things , not merely galactic things - " Guardians " is a likable lightweight , though it 's heavy enough on cosmic combat and dazzling effects .