
  • 网络silver catalyst
  1. 使用SEM、XPS和TPR-TPD等仪器表征了工业银催化剂反应前后的微观形态。

    The microscopic feature of silver catalyst pro-and-aft reaction was investigated by use of the instruments SEM , XPS and TPR-TPD .

  2. 本文对燕化研究院YS系列银催化剂的经营业务拓展进行了研究。

    The business expansion of YS series silver catalyst of RIBYPEC ( the Research Institute of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Co. ) was studied .

  3. Air、pH条件下载银催化剂光降解甲基橙的研究

    Research on Degrading of Methyl Orange Using Ag / TiO_2 Photocatalyst under Conditions of Air Speed and pH Value

  4. CeO2载体的制备方法对催化剂的活性有很大影响,以尿素作为沉淀剂的均匀沉淀法制备的CeO2优选为银催化剂的载体。

    CeO_2 prepared by homogeneous precipitation method with urea as precipitator is superior .

  5. YL型银催化剂粒内扩散作用的研究

    A study on the effect of intraparticle diffusion for yl-commercial silver-containing catalyst

  6. 银催化剂上NO/O2共吸附后的TPD和TPR研究揭示了纳米银颗粒参与选择还原反应的机制。

    TPD and TPR studies revealed the catalytic roles of nano silver particles in the SCR reaction .

  7. YS系列银催化剂的工业应用

    Commercial test of YS series silver catalysts

  8. 简述了国内外银催化剂的发展及其对EO/EG工业生产发展的促进作用。

    This pape introduced the status of EO catalysts developed at home and abroad as well as the role the technical progress played in promoting the development of EO / EG commercial production .

  9. YS-4型银催化剂反应前后的粒度研究

    The Study on Size Distribution of YS-4 Silver Catalyst Pre-and Post-Reaction

  10. 从催化剂活性、选择性和稳定性综合考虑提出了EO/EG装置银催化剂的选型原则。

    This paper recommended the principle to select the type of the catalyst for EO / EG plant on the basis of the comprehensive features of the catalyst such as selectivity , activity and stability .

  11. 叙述了在YS型银催化剂作用下,利用催化裂化于气回收的乙烯制备环氧乙烷的实验研究。

    This paper describes the experiment of producing ethylene oxide ( EO ) by using ethylene recovered from catalytic cracking dry gas in the presence of YS silver catalyst .

  12. YS-7型银催化剂上乙烯环氧化宏观动力学

    Macrokinetics of Epoxidation of Ethylene over YS-7 Ag-based Catalyst

  13. 以海泡石为载体制备了负载型银催化剂,对载体和催化剂进行了表征,对这种催化剂催化还原NOx的活性进行了评价,对制备条件及其活性的影响进行了研究。

    A series of Ag / sepiolite catalysts were prepared by impregnation to characterize surface behaviors of the support and catalyst , as well as to evaluate the catalytic activity for NO_ ( x ) . The impact of preparation conditions on the catalytic activity was also studied .

  14. 用温度调制方式和锯齿波加热方式研究了薄膜的电学特性,讨论了银催化剂、湿度及氧分压对SnO2电学特性的影响。

    The electrical properties of films were measured in temperature modulated mode and in simple temperature ramp mode . The results are used to evaluate the effects of Ag addition , environmental humidity and O 2 partial pressure on the electrical properties of SnO 2 thin films .

  15. 采用高选择性催化剂建设的装置产能在EO/EG全部装置产能中所占的比例将快速扩大,并将逐步占据主导地位,YS系列银催化剂的经营业务能否得到扩展关键取决于高选择性银催化剂的开发。

    The proportion of production capacity of EO / EG plants adopting high selectivity silver catalyst will be increasing quickly and occupying a dominant place . Could or not be the business of YS series silver catalyst expanded will mainly be decided by the development of high selectivity silver catalyst .

  16. 环氧乙烷银催化剂中助催化剂的研究进展

    Advances in the studies of promoters of ethylene oxide silver catalysts

  17. 银催化剂载体焙烧工艺开发

    The development of calcination process for the carrier of silver catalyst

  18. 银催化剂的组成、结构及表征研究

    Study on the Composition , Structure and Character of Silver Catalyst

  19. 银催化剂的发展和EO/EG生产技术进步

    Development of silver catalyst and improvement of eo / eg production technology

  20. 乙烯环氧化制环氧乙烷银催化剂研究进展

    Advances in the silver catalysts for epoxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide

  21. 环氧乙烷生产用银催化剂的研究新进展

    Recent development on the study of ethylene oxide silver catalyst

  22. 高分散碳纳米管载银催化剂的制备

    The preparation of highly dispersed Ag / Carbon nanotube catalyst

  23. 负载银催化剂上银的晶粒聚集形态的考察

    The Silver Ring Study of morphology on supported silver catalysts

  24. 银催化剂上乙烯选择氧化反应的强制周期操作

    Forced Periodic Operation of Ethylene Selective Oxidation on Silver Catalyst

  25. 应用超声波电解法制备了La2O3/Ag复合银催化剂。

    La_2O_3 / Ag complex silver catalyst was prepared by ultrasonic electrolytic method .

  26. 乙烯在银催化剂上氧化本征动力学的研究

    Intrinsic kinetics study of ethylene oxidation to ethylene oxide on YS-6 silver catalyst

  27. 酒精氧化法制备乙醛使用电解银催化剂的优越性

    Advantage of electrolytic silver catalyst for acetaldehyde production by ethyl alcohol oxidation process

  28. 丙烯在银催化剂上环氧化的研究现状

    Recent Researches on Epoxidation of Propylene on Silver Catalyst

  29. 银催化剂在甲醛生产中的实际应用

    Application of the Ag-catalyst in the Production of Formaldehyde

  30. 用闪烁脱附谱方法研究氧在电解银催化剂表面的吸附

    The flash desorption spectra of oxygen chemisorption on the electrolytic silver catalyst surface