
  • 网络Ginkgoaceae;Ginkgo biloba
  1. 唯一尚存的银杏科的一属。

    Sole surviving genus of the Ginkgoaceae .

  2. 与银杏科同延;首先发现于二垩纪,只有唯一的幸存种类;经常归为松柏目。

    Coextensive with the family ginkgoaceae : plants that first appeared in the Permian and now represented by a single surviving species ; often included in coniferales .

  3. 通过调查,嘉兴市共有古树名木373株,分属29科47种,以樟科最多,依次为银杏科、榆科、木樨科,其中树龄最长的树龄最长的为1490余年的古银杏。

    Investigation on ancient trees in Jiaxing , Zhejiang province demonstrated that there are 373 ancient trees belonging to 47 species of 29 families , among which Lauraceae has the most , then Ginkgoaceae , Ulmaceae and Olea - ceae .