- 名iron needle

Each dart consisted of a hollow steel needle with a paper tail .
People made iron needles and rubbed them on a piece of magnetite , so that they would become magnetic .
The differences of P adsorption-desorption characteristics of amorphous and crystalline iron oxides and their ( relation ) to P adsorption saturation were studied by using three synthetic iron oxides .
Iron was precipitated by the formation of jarosite or goethite . And sulfide precipitation or extraction of nickel and cobalt at high pH were used in the hydrometallurgy at home and abroad .
When 0.1 % of Y is added , the shape of primary Fe-rich phase is changed from coarse , needle-like shape to more uniformly distributed flower-like shape ;
In iron precipitation process , iron ions are deposited as goethite in five continuous stirred tank reactors ( CSTR ) in series using zinc calcine and oxygen .