
  1. 行业咨询公司伦敦钢铁行业通讯(steelbusinessbriefing)上海办事处表示,在混乱的全球经济形势下,要预测年度铁矿石谈判结果会异常困难。

    Steel business briefing , the consultancy in Shanghai , says it is unusually difficult to predict the outcome of the annual round of iron ore price negotiations because of the chaotic situation of the global economy .

  2. 2007铁矿石谈判:闪电战的背后

    2007 Iron Ore Negotiation Behind a " Blitz "

  3. 中国与力拓等矿商之间的铁矿石谈判今年特别艰难。

    Iron ore price negotiations between China and miners including Rio have been particularly contentious this year .

  4. 过去,宝钢曾代表中国钢铁行业与供应商进行铁矿石谈判。

    In the past , Baosteel has represented the Chinese steel industry in iron-ore talks with suppliers .

  5. 但在庭审中,这四人被指责应对铁矿石谈判的失败负责。

    But in the trial , the four men were blamed for the failure of the iron ore negotiations .

  6. 4名力拓员工被捕,是由于涉嫌非法获取与铁矿石谈判相关的敏感信息。

    The four Rio employees were arrested on allegations they had improperly obtained information sensitive to iron-ore price negotiation .

  7. 铝不是唯一令力拓股价承压的因素:力拓与中国钢铁企业之间的铁矿石谈判陷入僵局,也有负面影响。

    Aluminium is not the only thing weighing on Rio 's share price : there are the miner 's deadlocked iron ore price talks with Chinese steelmakers .

  8. 近几年来,中国在国际铁矿石谈判中屡屡受挫,铁矿石的价格剧烈震荡,使中国的相关经济体受到了严重的影响。

    In recent years , China suffered repeatedly setbacks in the international iron ore price negotiations . The intense price fluctuation of the iron cast serious impact on related Chinese economies .

  9. 周一,法庭确认铁矿石谈判是问题的症结,并坚称力拓员工将商业机密透露给该公司最高谈判者。

    On Monday , the court confirmed that iron ore negotiations were at the center of the case and insisted that Rio Tinto employees were passing secrets to top negotiators for the company .

  10. 近年来,中国在国际铁矿石谈判中屡屡受挫,国内铁矿石价格飞速上涨,国民经济受到重大影响。

    In recent years , China failed the international negotiation on iron ore importing price , the importing and domestic iron ore prices skyrocket in China , and the national economy is severely influenced .

  11. 这名澳大利亚公民被指在紧张的铁矿石谈判期间贿赂中国钢铁厂商,盗窃中国国家机密。

    Australian authorities have finally been granted access to the Australian Rio Tinto executive detained in China and accused of bribing Chinese steelmakers and stealing Chinese state secrets amidst tense iron ore price negotiations .

  12. 这将降低购股的平均成本,让该公司及其在北京的后台在铁矿石谈判中拥有某些影响力,并迫使力拓其他股东解决股票过剩的问题。

    That would reduce the average cost of its share purchases , give the company and its paymasters in Beijing some clout in negotiations over iron ore and oblige other Rio investors to work around the overhang of stock .

  13. 但在业内人士看来,该事件给人留下的最深刻印象,未必是这四人是否有罪,而是中国自始至终从铁矿石谈判、到中铝交易夭折、再到逮捕行动表现出来的过于兴奋的情绪。

    But for industry insiders , the strongest impression from the affair was not necessarily the guilt or innocence of the men but the sense that overly high emotions accompanied Chinese actions from the iron ore negotiations to the failure of the Chinalco deal to the arrests .

  14. 去年8月,在敏感的铁矿石价格谈判中,力拓(RioTinto)的几名在华高管被捕,令跨国公司震惊。人们普遍认为,此举是对在华外企的一个警告。

    In August multinationals were shocked by the arrest of Rio Tinto executives during sensitive iron ore price talks a move that was widely perceived as a warning to foreign businesses operating in the country .

  15. 钢铁市场分析师昨日表示,中国钢铁业官员涉嫌勾结英澳矿业企业力拓(riotinto)被拘留员工一事,可能导致年度铁矿石价格谈判推迟结束。

    Allegations that Chinese steel industry officials colluded with detained employees of Rio Tinto , the Anglo-Australian miner , could delay the conclusion of annual iron ore pricing negotiations , steel market analysts said yesterday .

  16. 更重要的是,力拓每年都与其它两大矿商必和必拓(bhpbilliton)和巴西淡水河谷(vale)一道,与中国钢企进行铁矿石价格谈判。

    More importantly , along with the two other large miners , BHP Billiton and vale , Rio Tinto was involved in annual price talks for iron ore with the Chinese steel companies .

  17. 铁矿石定价谈判是一个特别棘手的问题。

    The iron ore pricing round is an especially sticky subject .

  18. 上述4名力拓雇员曾参与今年铁矿石价格谈判。

    The four Rio employees had been involved in the iron ore price talks .

  19. 作为日本最大的钢铁企业,新日铁传统上代表日本钢铁业出席每年的铁矿石价格谈判。

    As the largest Japanese steelmaker , Nippon Steel traditionally represents other Japanese steelmakers in iron ore negotiations .

  20. 中国钢铁厂商在去年的铁矿石价格谈判中首次扮演了主要角色。

    The Chinese took a leading role for the first time last year in the negotiations for iron ore prices .

  21. 这一初步协议发出了迄今为止最清晰的信号,表明在矿商要求变革的压力下,传统的铁矿石年度谈判制度行将消亡。

    The understanding is the clearest sign yet of the demise of the traditional annual system , following pressure for change by the miners .

  22. 力拓在铁矿石价格谈判中采取“要么接受要么放弃”的态度,这激怒了中方谈判代表。

    Rio has adopted a " take it or leave it " approach to the iron ore price talks , which has infuriated Chinese negotiators .

  23. 行事隐秘的铁矿石年度谈判影响着全球经济,因为铁矿石价格直接关系到钢铁成本,最终将影响汽车和洗衣机等商品的价格。

    The secretive annual talks influence the global economy as ore prices filter into steel costs and ultimately influence the prices of goods such as cars and washing machines .

  24. 最近几周,中国一直被排除在全球矿业公司的年度铁矿石价格谈判之外,部分原因在于这些公司担心谈判失败后遭到报复。

    In recent weeks , China has been left out of annual iron ore negotiations by global mining companies , in part because of fears of retribution if talks collapse .

  25. 新日铁和浦项制铁表示,它们将共同研究市场环境,并在年度铁矿石价格谈判中密切合作。2007年铁矿石价格谈判预计将于本月启动。

    Nippon Steel and Posco said they would jointly study the market conditions and co-operate closely in negotiating the annual iron ore talks , which are expected to start this month .

  26. 在那之前几天,由于力拓拒绝默许一家中国制造业组织提出的大幅降价的要求,当年的年度铁矿石价格谈判破裂。

    And days earlier , talks to price iron ore for the year had collapsed over Rio Tinto 's refusal to acquiesce to a Chinese manufacturing group 's demands for a sizable price cut .

  27. 隐秘的铁矿石价格谈判将规定市场大部分价格。谈判过程往往充满着火药味,为了改进讨价还价的地位,有些方面会威胁取消合约。

    The secretive iron ore negotiations , which set the price of the bulk of the market , are often acrimonious , with some parties threatening to cancel contracts to improve their bargaining position .

  28. 与其它国际矿业集团一起,力拓正处于2009-10年度铁矿石合同谈判过程中。这项谈判仍未完成,即使许多合同上周就已到期。

    Along with other international mining groups , Rio is in the midst of talks over iron ore contracts for 2009-10 , which have still not yet been resolved even though many contracts expired last week .

  29. 中国媒体报道称,近日被扣押的力拓上海办公室电脑里,储存着关于中国钢铁公司的大量数据,力拓可能利用这些信息改善自己在铁矿石定价谈判中的地位。

    The Chinese press says Rio computers seized in Shanghai this week revealed comprehensive data about Chinese steel companies , information the company could have used to improve its negotiating position in the iron ore pricing round .

  30. 全球矿商已在年度铁矿石价格谈判中撇开它们最大的客户中国,原因是中国钢铁业和官方机构在铁矿石问题上的政治僵局,以及对于若谈判破裂会招致报复的担心。

    Global miners have sidelined China , their biggest customer , in the annual iron ore price negotiations because of political gridlock over the resource in the industry and government and fears about retribution if the talks collapse .