
zuàn shí hūn
  • diamond wedding;diamond wedding anniversary
  1. 祝你们的钻石婚周年幸福快乐。

    May your diamond wedding anniversary be happy and wonderful .

  2. 伊丽莎白二世女王成为第一位庆祝钻石婚的英国君主。

    Queen Elizabeth II has become the first British monarch to celebrate a diamond wedding anniversary .

  3. 该城的二百周年纪念日明年即将到来。结婚75年或60周年纪念的钻石婚

    The town will have its bicentenary next year . diamond wedding

  4. 格伦和洛兰刚刚庆祝了他们的钻石婚纪念日。

    Glen and Lorraine just celebrated their diamond anniversary .

  5. 调查还表明,类似钻石婚庆典这样的传统活动上,人们会表现得更加正式。

    Research also showed that traditional events like the Diamond Jubilee encourages us to be more formal .

  6. 因为他们的钻石婚纪念日恰好是工作日,所以他们就选在周末跟亲友一起庆祝。

    Because their diamond anniversary happened to be on a weekday , they celebrated it with family and friends over the weekend .

  7. 如果她继续按目前的速度提取储备金的话,她将在2012年她的钻石婚纪念那年用完储备基金。

    Ifshe continues drawing on the reserve at the current rate , she will runout of funds by2012 – the year of her diamond jubilee .

  8. 官方估计的数字显示,在每100对夫妻中,只有10对能活到庆祝他们喜结连理60周年的钻石婚纪念日,在其余90对夫妇中,有45对将以离婚收场。

    While official estimates suggest 10 in every 100 couples will live to celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary 60 years after tying the knot , 45 of the remaining 90 will end up divorced .