
lìn sè ɡuǐ
  • miser;tightwad;Scrooge;skinflint;niggard;pinchpenny;tight-arse;hard-boiled egg;scunge
吝啬鬼 [lìn sè guǐ]
  • (1) [penny pincher;miser; niggard; shylock; skinflint]∶吝啬的或过度节俭的人

  • (2) [piker]∶办事很小气的人;在用钱和使劲方面的小气鬼

  1. “慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。

    A generous miser is a contradiction in terms .

  2. 那吝啬鬼对那穷人的叙述无动于衷。

    The miser was untouched by the poor man 's story .

  3. 真是一群吝啬鬼。

    What a bunch of Scrooges .

  4. 那个吝啬鬼舍不得喂马。

    The mean man grudged the food his horse ate .

  5. 他是多么可恶的吝啬鬼呀!

    What a miserable old devil he was !

  6. Cheapskate指手里有钱却仍然放弃优质货品转而购买廉价物品的“吝啬鬼”。

    A cheapskate is a stingy person who buys cheap instead of higher quality or better stuff , even though they might be able to afford the better .

  7. 乔·施密特虽然非常富有,却是个不折不扣的吝啬鬼。

    Joe Schmidt , although very wealthy , was a tightwad .

  8. 吃完后,吝啬鬼说:“既然我们还在桌子边,让我们连晚饭也吃了吧。”这次上桌的有排骨、煮土豆和杂烩青菜。于是两个人又吃起来。

    When they had finished , the cheap farmer said , " While we 're still at the table , let 's have supper too . " They were now served steak , boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables , and they ate once more .

  9. 我知道我应该让它过去,但我不喜欢被欺骗,而且她又是这样一个吝啬鬼。——来自西南的Fuming。

    I know I should let this go , but I don 't like being lied to and she 's such a tightwad . - Fuming in the Southwest

  10. 天性使然,我们大部分人是认知的吝啬鬼,这一术语由社会心理学家SusanFiske和ShelleyTaylor创造,来描述人们如何倾向于保存认知资源并仅仅分配于高优先级的事情。

    Most of us are , by nature , cognitive misers , a term coined by social psychologists Susan Fiske and Shelley Taylor to describe how people have a tendency to preserve cognitive resources and allocate them only to high-priority matters .

  11. 臭名昭著的吝啬鬼终于决定成立一个党。

    The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party .

  12. 吝啬鬼为了积聚钱财而过着非常穷困生活的人。

    One who lives very meagerly in order to hoard money .

  13. spirit:精神,态度scrooge:吝啬鬼嘿,真有节日气氛啊,吝啬鬼。

    Blair : Hey ! Nice holiday spirit , scrooge ! -

  14. 吝啬鬼!他每天还骑自行车上学!

    What a miser ! He cycles to school every day .

  15. ‘慷慨的吝啬鬼’在用词上自相矛盾。

    ` A generous miser ' is a contradiction in terms .

  16. 我想他一定是个吝啬鬼,象大部分单身汉一样。

    I guess he sort of a miser like most bachelors .

  17. 那个干瘪难看的小老头是个臭名远扬的吝啬鬼。

    That wizened and grotesque little old man is a notorious miser .

  18. 辛迪说,“那就是你娶一个吝啬鬼的原因。”

    Cindy says ," That 's why you married a penny-pincher . "

  19. 他的兄弟是个头号大坏蛋,还是个吝啬鬼。

    His brother was a prize bastard and a miser .

  20. 你不仅仅是个吝啬鬼,而且是个体贴人的吝啬鬼。

    You 're not just a miser , but a thoughtful one .

  21. 至于“吝啬鬼”标签,我们不太确定。

    As for the tightwad label , we 're not so sure .

  22. 吝啬鬼最强烈的情感就是爱财。

    The ruling passion of them miser is the love of money .

  23. 怕有人会偷钱的恐惧困扰着这个老吝啬鬼。

    Fear that someone might steal his money obsessed the old miser .

  24. 你说我是个吝啬鬼,是不是?

    So you say that I 'm a cheapskate , do you ?

  25. 吝啬鬼!你有很多仰慕者了。

    What a meany ! You have got admirers .

  26. 这个自私的老吝啬鬼生性冷酷。

    The selfish old miser had a cold nature .

  27. 与吝啬鬼生活毫无乐趣,但他们却为后人称道不已。

    Misers are no fun to live , but they make great ancestors .

  28. 沉重的负债压力早晚会把我逼成一个吝啬鬼。

    Heavy liabilities will force me to become a stingy person some day .

  29. 那么美丽的吝啬鬼,你为什么滥用

    Then , beauteous niggard , why dost thou abuse

  30. 论中外文学中的吝啬鬼形象

    On Niggard Image in Both Chinese and Foreign Literature
