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  1. 一块钱一本书就是这样

    A buck for a book . The whole thing .

  2. 牛津词典多少钱一本?

    How much is the price of the Oxford dictionary ?

  3. 这书是八角钱一本。

    This book is one of an octagonal money .

  4. 昨天我花了五块钱买了一本字典。

    It cost me five yuan to buy a dictionary yesterday .

  5. 他用剩余的钱买了一本书。

    He used his ___ money to buy him a book .

  6. 你愿意用几多钱去借一本书?

    How much would you prefer to spend on renting a book ?

  7. 我剩的钱够买一本教科书就是万幸了

    I 'm lucky if I have enough left to buy a single textbook .

  8. 曾经我在国外时因为缺钱而省吃俭用,买什么都是买最便宜的,但是关于买学校的教材,我是从来不会吝啬的,六七十欧元(当时接近六七百块钱人民币)的一本书我也会毫不犹豫把它买下。

    I used to save every penny when i was studying abroad and bought everything as cheap as possible . When it came to textbooks , i would never thing about saving money but bought it without the least hesitation even though it might cost me almost 70 Euros .