
  • 网络John Chambers;chamber
  1. 思科首席执行长(CEO)钱伯斯(JohnChambers)将华为列为自己公司最强大的竞争对手。

    Cisco CEO John Chambers pointed to Huawei as its toughest competitor .

  2. 参会人员还有许多旧科技公司的首席执行长,包括国际商业公司(IBM)的罗曼提(VirginiaRometty)和思科系统(CiscoSystems)的钱伯斯(JohnChambers)。

    And there will be plenty of old-tech CEOs , like Virginia Rometty at IBM and John Chambers from Cisco Systems .

  3. 钱伯斯一直在他耳边嗡嗡地说个不停,他都快疯了。

    Chambers ' voice droned , maddening as an insect around his head

  4. 钱伯斯手一挥,喝道:“闭嘴!”

    Chambers waved his hand . ' Belt up ! ' he snapped .

  5. 这家硅谷巨头的首席执行长钱伯斯(JohnChambers)预计周二在消费电子展的主旨演讲中将探讨相关机会。

    The Silicon Valley giant 's chief executive , John Chambers , is expected to discuss the opportunities Tuesday in a keynote speech at CES .

  6. 出现在像钱伯斯爵士(SirWilliamChambers)这样的旅行家的游记中的中国园林的版画使得中国式的亭和其他异国风景也出现在英国园林之中。

    Chinese pavilions and other exotica were inspired by engravings of Chinese gardens in travel books by such travelers as the architect Sir William Chambers .

  7. •日前,思科(Cisco)首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯在一封公司邮件中承认,思科已经迷失方向,需要对运营进行重大调整。

    • Cisco CEO John Chambers sent out a company email admitting the company has lost its way and needs a major overhaul of its operations .

  8. 苏珊•钱伯斯获得高管梦之队首席人力官称号。目前,她在沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)负责人力资源事务,管理着全球最庞大的员工队伍。

    The Dream Team Chief People Officer is Susan Chambers , who oversees the employees of Wal-mart ( WMT ) & the largest corporate population on earth .

  9. 思科系统(CiscoSystems)首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯(JohnChambers)警告说,美国与中国和俄罗斯的两国的政治紧张形势意味着,在这两个原本最有增长潜力的市场,美国高科技企业正面临长期压力。

    Political tensions with China and Russia mean that US tech companies are facing protracted pressure in what had been two of their most promising growth markets , the chief executive of Cisco Systems has warned .

  10. 思科(Cisco)刚刚给约翰•钱伯斯(JohnChambers)加上执行董事长的头衔——此举将在英国拉响公司治理的紧急警报——同时让继任CEO慢慢地适应公司的情况。

    Cisco just gave John Chambers the title of executive chairman - a move that would set off governance emergency klaxons in the UK - as it eases a successor in as CEO .

  11. 每隔一个月,思科公司(Cisco)首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯都会邀请两个月内过生日的员工,参加一场由他亲自主持的非正式问答会,员工能在会上无拘无束地交流。

    Every other month , Cisco CEO John Chambers invites employees whose birthdays fall within the designated two-month period to an informal Q & A with the head honcho himself .

  12. 目前的首席执行官中,动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)的罗伯特•科蒂克、微芯科技(MicrochipTechnology)的史蒂夫•桑吉和Nvidia的黄仁勋,任期都超过了钱伯斯。

    Of those chief executives active in the role today , Activision Blizzard 's Robert Kotick , Microchip Technology 's Steve Sanghi , and Nvidia 's Jen-Hsun Huang exceed Chambers " tenure .

  13. 虽然钱伯斯提出了上述警告,他还是以一种非常乐观的预期为自己作为一家硅谷大型企业CEO的漫长生涯做了总结。钱伯斯声称,思科会在随后几年,通过争夺竞争对手的销售份额获得增长。

    Despite the warning , Mr Chambers capped his stint as the longest-serving CEO of a big Silicon Valley company with a bullish projection , claiming that Cisco would feed its growth by taking sales from competitors in the coming years .

  14. 巴卢和钱伯斯-普利斯正在拓展这一观众市场&美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)在十几个城市举行的每月故事大赛TheMoth、CreativeMornings和TedX大会的观众。

    Ballew and chambers-price are tapping into the kind of audience that shows up for the moth , the NPR monthly story-slams staged in a dozen cities , creative mornings , and tedx conferences .

  15. 美国的确失去了3A信誉评级,但正如标准普尔的约翰。钱伯斯所说,美元依旧是“任何合理情况下都很重要的国际储备货币”。

    Americamay have lost its triple-A rating , but the dollars it issues will " remain the key international reserve currency under any plausible scenario ," says John Chambers of Standard & Poor 's.

  16. 但Entre-SLAM的这两位合伙人、珍妮•巴卢和克里斯蒂娜•钱伯斯-普利斯也会很高兴让她们的故事大王来谈谈。

    But partners Jeannie Ballew and Christa chambers-price would be just as happy to have their storytellers do the talking .

  17. 第二,调研公司GordonHaskett发布的一份报告仍预计钱伯斯即将宣布退休,称思科是“一家没有指定接班人的公司”。首席执行官的平均任期大约是8年。

    Second , the research firm Gordon Haskett issued a report stating that the firm still expects Chambers to announce his retirement soon , calling Cisco " a company operating without a named successor . " The average tenure of a CEO is roughly eight years .

  18. Strategy&的肯•法瓦罗(KenFavaro)表示,其他例外可能包括投资者需要在持续性方面获得保证的公司——这一说法对钱伯斯获得的非同寻常的新头衔构成支持。

    Ken Favaro of Strategy & says other exceptions to the norm could include companies where investors need reassuring about continuity - an argument in favour of Mr Chambers " unusual new title .

  19. 2012年1月末,巴卢和钱伯斯-普利斯在讨论如何在资深人士培训课程上进行合作时,想出了Entre-SLAM这个点子。

    Ballew and chambers-price came up with the idea for entre-slam last January 2012 while they were discussing how they could collaborate on a Veterans ' training course .

  20. 舒米特和钱伯斯和你一起去汇合点。

    Schmitt and chambers are going with you to the rendezvous .

  21. 卡特?钱伯斯:为我的生命而战,你呢?

    Carter Chambers : Fighting for my life . You ?

  22. 钱伯斯已担任该职位近20年。

    Chambers has been in the role for almost 20 .

  23. 钱伯斯和卡茨也承认,企业有可能会再一次将这笔钱付给股东。

    They acknowledge that companies might pass the money along to shareholders again .

  24. 钱伯斯是联合国秘书长的疟疾防治特别代表:

    Ray Chambers is the UN Secretary General 's Special Envoy for malaria .

  25. 思科已设计出了钱伯斯先生所称的“可复制流程”。

    It has devised what Mr chambers calls a " replicable process " .

  26. 比利钱伯斯已经行动了。

    Billy chambers is on the move .

  27. 。约翰•钱伯斯,思科董事长兼首席执行官

    John Chambers , chairman CEO , Cisco

  28. 钱伯斯词典收入的很多新词反映了人们对当今世界的担忧。

    Many new terms in The Chambers Dictionary come from worries about today 's world .

  29. 钱伯斯辞典里对“终结”的定义是:一段故事宣告终结时而由此而产生的满足感。

    A FEELING of satisfaction or resignation when a particular episode has come to an end .

  30. 那天(8月14日)离钱伯斯的65岁生日只有9天。

    The date , August 14 , was just nine days before Chambers " 65th birthday .