
  1. 方法收集钟祥地区近30年的血吸虫病流行病学数据及相关的气象、水文数据,通过构建遥感图像分类的神经网络及网络训练,建立相应的GIS数据库及显示图像。

    Methods Epidemiological data of schistosomiasis and the correlated climate and hydrology data for the last 30 years were collected and the relevant GIS databases were established under Artificial Neural Networks ( ANN ) and network training of Landsat TM images .

  2. 以钟祥汉江大桥的损伤识别为例,对基于BP神经网络和遗传算法的桥梁结构损伤诊断方法进行的实例应用研究,结果表明该方法兼有神经网络广泛的映射能力和遗传算法快速的全局收敛性能。

    By an test example of a bridge structural damage identification method based on BP neural networks and genetic algorithm , the results show that extensive mapping ability of neural networks and rapid global convergence of genetic algorithm can be acquired by combining them altogether .

  3. 此后“夏口”之名遂由钟祥迁移至今武汉市。

    After then , the name of'Xiakou'moved from Zhongxiang to Wuhan .

  4. 钟祥的长寿人群分布在地理上不均匀。

    The Zhongxiang population of longevity geographically is uneven distribution .

  5. 钟祥市旅游业现状与进一步开发研究

    The Current Situation of Tourism and Further Development Research in Zhongxiang City

  6. 湖北省钟祥市农业基地建设研究

    Study on the Agricultural Base Development in Zhongxiang City , Hubei Province

  7. 钟祥市晚期血吸虫病人调查报告

    Survey of schistosomiasis patients at late stage in Zhongxiang City

  8. 到钟祥一看,还真是大吃了一惊。

    Look to Zhong Xiang , still be engorge really one Jing .

  9. 钟祥地区80岁以上高龄老人社会心理调查分析

    Social Psychological Investigation on Elders Aged 80 and Above in Zhongxiang Area

  10. 钟祥市矿业开发的现状难题与对策

    Present Conditions , Problems and Countermeasures for Mining Industry Exploitation in Zhongxiang City

  11. 钟祥历史文化名城保护研究

    Research for the Historic City Conservation of Zhongxiang

  12. 钟祥长寿人群中女性比例高于男性。

    Zhongxiang proportions of women longevity have longer life than men in the crowds .

  13. 湖北省钟祥市第三中学人事制度改革的探索与思考

    Probe and Thought of Personnel System Reform in No.3 Middle School of Zhongxiang Hubei

  14. 钟祥试验区种草养羊经济效益分析

    An analysis on the economical benefit of forage and sheep production in Zhongxiang experimental area

  15. 旅游资源向旅游产品转化的对策研究以钟祥市为例

    Study on Conversion from Tourism Resources to Tourism Products & Taking Zhongxiang City as An Example

  16. 钟祥市城市土地利用程度较低,有待进一步提高;

    Land use intensity of Zhongxiang City is relatively low and needs to be further improved .

  17. 湖北省钟祥第四纪冰缘融冻构造的发现及其意义

    Discovery and significance of frost riving structure at the ice-front of Quaternary in Zhongxiang District Hubei Province

  18. 钟祥县不同居民区的鸡咽食管癌对比调查及病理形态学观察

    Epidemiology and pathology of oral-pharyngo-oesophageal carcinoma in chickens from different inhabitants in Zhongxian county , Hubei Province

  19. 新型农村合作医疗可持续发展研究:以湖北省钟祥市为例

    The Study about Sustainable Development of the New Cooperative System : Illustrated by the Case of Zhongxiang , Hubei

  20. 钟祥基地人工草地分区轮牧试验(1987~1988年)

    A trail of rotational grazing in the artificial grassland at Zhong Xiang experiment station ( 1987 & 1988 )

  21. 湖北省钟祥市汉江河谷平原区浅层孔隙水的脆弱性评价

    Vulnerability Assessment of Shallow Quaternary Groundwater from the Hanjiang River Valley Plain , Zhongxiang City , Central Hubei Province

  22. 本文中的钟祥汉江公路大桥同样也出现了这样的问题,其原因经分析确定为斜截面上主拉应力不足。

    Through analyse , we can find out it 's lack of the principal stress on the inclined section cause the craze .

  23. 但钟祥旅游纪念品的开发却明显滞后,现仍处于简单开发阶段。

    However , the development of tour souvenir of Zhongxiang city is obviously lagging behind and is just on the simply-developed stage .

  24. 湖北钟祥地区当地居民与河南移民食物中霉菌污染的对比分析

    A Comparative Study of Fungi Contamination of the Foodstuffs among the Natives and the Henan Immigrants in Zhongxiang County of Hubei Province

  25. 使用经过诱变的微生物浸出中国湖北钟祥的低品位磷矿,可以达到比原菌更好的浸出效果。

    Ultraviolet irradiation and Microwave inducement were applied to the bacterial cultivation of strains of Acidithiobacillus that can produce more sulfuric acid .

  26. 基于以上结果我们确定钟祥是长寿之乡,其长寿水平高于我国长寿乡标准。

    Based on these results , we determined : the Zhongxiang is longevity and the level of longevity is higher than others .

  27. 现阶段钟祥市仍有多数城镇高中,美术课都有着懒散、无序的传统状态。

    Show level Zhongxiang city still has the most urban high school art class , have a " lazy , disordered " traditional state .

  28. 结果:摸清了钟祥地区人口老龄化的基本情况,农村高龄老人的社会心理特征。

    Results : The basic situation of population aging in Zhongxiang area and the social psychological features of the elders in countryside were found out .

  29. 中国古代帝王陵寝旅游开发中的保护&以湖北钟祥明显陵为例

    A Case Study of Xianling Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty : Protection of Mausoleum of Chinese Ancient Emperors Imperial Tombs of the Qin and Han Dynasties

  30. 钟祥市城市土地利用持续性较高,但与湖北省平均水平相比仍有一定的差距。

    Besides , Zhongxiang City has a high sustainability of urban land use , but there is still a certain gap with the average level of Hubei Province .