
zhēn zhī pǐn
  • knitting;knitwear;knit goods
针织品 [zhēn zhī pǐn]
  • [knitwear] 用针编织的衣物

  1. TENCEL混纺针织品缩绒工艺探讨

    Discussion on the milling technology of knitwear blended with TENCEL

  2. MinnaParikka,来自赫尔辛基的针织衫和配饰,性感的针织品,纳帕软皮手套,为活泼可爱的女孩们设计的可爱的鞋和靴子。

    Minna Parikka , knits and accessories from Helsinki , sexy knitwear , nappa leather gloves , adorable shoes and boots for the sassy , cute girl .

  3. 这批新到的针织品完全符合规格。

    This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard .

  4. 就像《人鼠之间》的Lenny一样,大部分人在触摸到象动物皮毛或者针织品的时候,会觉得到达他们心里最柔软的地方。

    Just like Lenny in " Of Mice and Men ", most people find that they reach their " happy place " when touching something soft like fur or textiles .

  5. 而一到了为每年生产商品采集羊绒时,奢华针织品制造商布鲁奈罗・库奇内利(BrunelloCucinelli)就会将员工与进口商一道派去会见蒙古牧羊人。

    Luxury knitwear maker Brunello Cucinelli sends employees along with importers to meet with Mongolian shepherds when selecting cashmere for its annual production .

  6. 各种织物、绣花品、蕾丝、针织品。

    All kinds of fabric , embroidery , laces , kint .

  7. 皮革服装的设计及缝制工艺真丝针织品的生产工艺探讨

    Designed and Manufactured Technology of Leather The Processes of Silk-knitted Goods

  8. 关于真丝针织品干织工艺的探讨

    An Inquiry into the Dry Knitting Process of Pure Silk Fabric

  9. 直接染料染棉针织品的碱性染料固色

    Fixation of Cotton Knits Dyed with Direct Dyes by Basic Dyes

  10. 针织品染整过程中运用系统质量控制

    Applying System Quality Control in Dyeing & Finishing Process of Knitgoods

  11. 针织品测色配色系统研究

    Research of Color Measurement and Color Match System for Knitting Goods

  12. 减少针织品横档的纺纱生产实践

    Spinning production practice in reducing knitgoods barre caused by knitting yarn

  13. 控制针织品缝纫质量的探讨

    An Inquiry into Controlling the Sewing Quality of Knitted Goods

  14. 弱酸/汽巴克隆-LS染料对羊绒/Tencel针织品的同浴染色

    One-bath Dyeing of Cashmere / Tencel Knitting with Polor / Reactive Byes

  15. 氨纶弹性针织品的发展与内衣卫生保健

    The development of lycra knitted fabric and the health protection of underclothes

  16. 纳米自清洁羊绒针织品的研究与开发

    Study and development of the nano self-cleaning cashmere knitted fabrics

  17. 送来的礼物里面有很多是针织品。

    There are lots of knited goods in the presents .

  18. 产业用针织材料袜类及针织品用纱的革新

    Technical Knitting Textiles Yarn innovations for hosiery and knitted articles

  19. 棉针织品活性染料染色工艺的设计与实践

    The Technological design and Practice of Reactive Dyeing of Cotton Knitted goods

  20. 超细旦丙纶/棉针织品功能性产品的开发

    Development of Functional Products with Ultra-Fine Polypropylene / CottonKnitted Fabrics

  21. 亚麻针织品在横机生产中的质量控制

    The Quality Control of Flax Knitted Goods in Flat Machine

  22. 尼龙缎带:主要用于针织品及工艺品装饰等。

    Nylon Ribbon : Mainly used for knitwear and handicraft .

  23. 含弹性纤维机织及针织品的整理

    Finishing of Woven and Knitted Fabrics with Elastane Fibers

  24. 她在针织品部买了很多袜子。

    She bought many socks in the hosiery department .

  25. 棉针织品拼色扎染技术研究

    A Study on Matching Tie-dyeing Process of Cotton Knits

  26. 高密棉针织品浓深色染色工艺探讨

    Studies on Deep Dyeing of High-Density Cotton Knitted Fabric

  27. 我们是购买男用针织品的老客户。

    We are regular buyers of men 's knitwear .

  28. 生产:服装,鞋,帽,棉针织品,羽绒制品。

    Production : clothing , shoes , hats , cotton knitwear , eiderdown .

  29. 兔毛涤棉混纺针织物的染整高档纯棉针织品的双丝光工艺研究

    A Research on the Double Mercerization of Pure Cotton Knitgoods with Superior Quality

  30. 织袜和横机针织品在世界范围内的变化趋势

    Changing World Patterns in Hosiery and Flat Machine Knitwear