
zhònɡ dà wù jiě
  • Major misunderstanding;significant misconception;significant misconstruction
  1. 有消息称这次逮捕是一个重大误解。

    One source describes the arrest as a giant misunderstanding .

  2. 如何理解重大误解行为产生的原因?

    How understand the reasons for resulting in the heavy misunderstanding behavior ?

  3. 谈合同当事人的重大误解

    On significant mistakes of the parties to the contracts

  4. 行为人对行为内容有重大误解的;

    Those performed by an actor who seriously misunderstood the contents of the acts ;

  5. 法律行为基础瑕疵制度与我国现行民法中的重大误解制度、显失公平制度、附条件法律行为制度存在区别,并且具有独立的价值基础。

    Such system differs from the system of material mistake , grossly unconscionable , subject to certain conditions in China , and has its own values .

  6. 国外民法对意思表示错误的研究比较深入,但我国《民法通则》并没有采用错误这一概念,而是以重大误解取而代之。

    But there 's no adoption of the concept of the mistake of intention in our Civil Law , which uses the wording of significant misunderstanding instead .

  7. 一个行为若想要构成重大误解的民事行为,必须满足三方面的条件:首先,必须是表意人在为意思表示时存在误解。

    If you want a behavior to a significant misunderstanding , you must meet three conditions : First , it must be a misunderstanding ideographic expressed as the mean .

  8. 但在我国,由于民事立法缺陷及民法文化的缺失,无论是理论上还是实践中对民事连带责任都存在重大误解与滥用的情形。

    However , because of defects of civil legislation and the shortage of civil law culture , serious misunderstanding and abuse of civil joint liability still exist whether in theory or practice .

  9. 在大陆法系中,重大误解是一种内心意思缺陷,是由于表意人自身的原因造成的,并且由于重大误解使得当事人无法实现合同目的。

    In civil law , a major misunderstanding is an inner meaning wrong , which is caused ideographic own reasons , and because of the significant misunderstanding the people cannot achieve the purpose of the contract .

  10. 但是商事信用的现实性完全颠倒了人与物的主从关系,从而使商事信用在理论研究与法律实践中造成了重大误解和混乱,此亦为本文试图解决之重大问题。

    However , the realistic orientation of commercial credit totally inverts the relationship between " man " as dominant and " object " as subordinate , thereby causing great misunderstanding and confusion in the theoretical study and legal practice of commercial credit .

  11. 情势变更区别于不可抗力、重大误解、显失公平、商业风险、免责条款等概念,在司法实践中采取当事人主义,适用情势变更原则产生变更合同或解除合同的法律效力。

    The principle of Circumstance Change distinguishes between the Force majeure , the Significant misunderstanding , Reveals loses fairly , Commercial risk , Disclosure , adopts the litigant principle in the judicial practice , has legal effect which the change contract or terminates a contract .

  12. 首先,笔者认为由于重大误解的设计初衷在于保护表意错误人的合法利益,并对其进行救济,因此我国应当借鉴其他大陆法系国家的一贯做法,将撤销权只授予表意人。

    First of all , I believe that is to protect the legitimate interests of the ideographic error due to a major misunderstanding designed , and its relief , so China should learn from the usual practice of other civil law countries , the right to revoke the grant ideographic .

  13. 眼神交流是和我们的文化和日本文化中另一个重大的误解。

    Eye contact is another major misunderstanding between our culture and the Japanese ( Nishiyama , 2000 ) .

  14. 而不管理论上还是实践中对连带责任制度都有重大的误解与滥用之情形。

    In addition , there are gross misconception and serious abuse in the field of theory and practice .

  15. 如何理解重大,一般认为误解以交易上认为重要者为限;最后,表意人的误解必须并非由于其重大过失产生的误解。

    How to understand the " significant ", it is generally believed that misunderstanding is importantly to a legal act in trading ; thirdly , the ideographic misunderstanding is not due to its gross negligence misunderstanding .