
  • 网络derivative market;Financial Derivatives Markets
  1. 金融衍生产品市场的功能及引发的问题

    The functions of financial derivative markets and relevant issues

  2. 主要研究和教学领域:资产定价,实证金融,计量经济学方法,金融衍生产品市场。

    Research and teaching : asset pricing , empirical finance , econometric methods , and derivative markets .

  3. 据世界国际互换交易商协会(ISDA)公布的数字,仅97年互换市场的交易规模现已达24.11万亿美元,成为世界金融衍生产品市场的重要组成部分。

    According to the data issued by ISDA , only in 1997 , the transaction scales in swap market reached to 24,110 Billion $ . It makes swap market become the most important part of the Financial Derivatives Product .

  4. 金融衍生产品市场发展的启示&加强对金融衍生市场的风险管理

    The enlightenment of the growth of financial derivative markets-strengthening their risk control

  5. 金融衍生产品市场风险衡量方法研究

    Methods to measure the market risk of financial derivative products

  6. 未来10年金融衍生产品市场在中国的发展趋势

    Financial derivatives market in China : tendency in the future of ten years

  7. 德国金融衍生产品市场及其监管研究

    The Financial Derivatives Market and Its Supervision in Germany

  8. 中国金融衍生产品市场的发展研究

    Study of Development of Chinese Financial Derivative Market

  9. 我国发展金融衍生产品市场研究

    Research on Development of Chinese Financial Derivatives Market

  10. 论金融衍生产品市场的监管

    On Supervision of Financial Derivative Product Markets

  11. 亚式期权是当今金融衍生产品市场上交易最为活跃的奇异期权之一。

    Asian option is one of the most active exotic options in the financial derivatives market .

  12. 金融衍生产品市场是全球金融市场体系和全球经济体系的重要组成部分。

    Credit Derivatives is a very important part of global financial market and global economic system .

  13. 我国金融衍生产品市场起步较晚,仍处于初步发展阶段。

    Financial derivatives market in China starts a little bit late and is still in first step development stage .

  14. 首先,要尽快制定一部全面监管场外金融衍生产品市场的法规。

    The first is to formulate an enactment to comprehensively supervise the outside financial derivate market within the shortest time .

  15. 最后对中国金融衍生产品市场监管体系的未来发展方向进行了展望。

    In the final part , the author looks forward to the future development of China 's financial derivatives market regulatory system .

  16. 近20年来,金融衍生产品市场迅速发展成为国际金融市场最显著,最重要的特征之一。

    In recent 20 years , the development of financial derivative security markets becomes the most remarkable and the most importance characteristic .

  17. 尤其在近十年来,金融衍生产品市场特别是场外交易市场得到迅猛发展,国际金融衍生交易发展迅速。

    Especially in the last ten years , financial derivatives OTC market has a rapid development , especially over-the - counter market , and international financial derivative transactions have developed rapidly .

  18. 因此无论从参与国际竞争还是从防范市场风险的角度考虑,发展完善金融衍生产品市场具有重要意义。

    Therefore , to improve and develop the financial derivatives market is of far reaching importance either from the angle of taking part in the international competition or the guarding against financial risks .

  19. 金融衍生产品市场的发展是金融深化、金融创新的结果,也是市场经济发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The development of the financial derivatives market is a result of the financial deepening and the financial innovation , and is also the outcome that the market economy develops in a certain stage .

  20. 金融衍生产品市场是资本市场的重要组成部分,因为其具有规避风险、套期保值及价格发现的功能,越来越多的受到各国政府及投资者的关注。

    Financial Derivative Securities Market is one of the most important markets in capital markets . Because of its function of avoiding risks and prices discovery , more and more governments and investors pay much attention to it .

  21. 另一方面,金融衍生产品市场交易的复杂性使得金融系统的潜在风险大大增加,对其的监管也成为世界各国金融机构所面临的急迫任务之一。

    On the other hand , the complexity of financial derivatives trade makes the potential risk of the financial system increase greatly and its regulation becomes one of the urgent tasks faced by the financial institution all around the world .

  22. 近年来,国际金融衍生产品市场呈现三个新特点:市场需求及市场规模日趋扩大,产品创新层出不穷,风险防范问题日渐突出,并由此对国际金融市场的发展和稳定带来深刻影响。

    In recent years , market of international financial derivatives is marked by three features : expanding market demand and market scale , mushrooming product innovations and outstanding risk aversion problems . These features have deeply influenced the development and stability of international financial market .

  23. 在借鉴美国和日本成功经验的基础上,对我国场外金融衍生产品市场法律监管制度进行了重构,主要有监管体系设计、监管内容设计、监管方式设计以及监管责任设计四个方面。

    We rebuilt the legal supervision system of Over-the-counter-Derivatives of our country based on the stage of American and Japanese experience . It mainly includes these four parts , the design of regulate content , the design of regulate system , the design of regulate pattern and the regulate responsibility .

  24. 立足现实情况,系统地研究了金融衍生产品及其市场。

    The paper conducts a systematic study of financial derivative products and their markets based on reality .

  25. 人民币金融衍生产品与利率市场化

    RMB Financial Derivative Products and Interest Rate Liberalization

  26. 金融衍生产品与电力市场

    The Financial Derivatives and Power Market

  27. 近年来,场外金融衍生产品逐渐成为市场参与者管理风险的有效工具和衍生产品交易商的重要利润来源。

    In recent years , Over-the-counter-Derivatives have gradually become effective tool of the market participants to manage risks and the important benefit source of the products exchanger .

  28. 随着我国人民币汇率制度改革、利率市场化及资本市场股权分置改革等进程的不断加快,金融衍生产品在国内市场的发展契机已经到来。

    Along with the quickening steps in the reform of RMB exchange regime , rate marketization and split share reform in capital market , there appears a good opportunity to introduce financial derivatives in domestic market .

  29. 随着金融衍生产品在世界金融市场的日益盛行,期权定价已成为金融学领域研究的热点。

    As the financial derivatives get more and more popular in the global financial world , option pricing has become a hot spot .

  30. 发展金融衍生产品可以促进资本市场体系与功能的完善,对于我国金融市场化改革具有重要的意义。

    It is important for China to develop financial derivatives , which can promote capital market and deepening the reform in financial market .