
  1. 本文从分析超市利润着手,从市场学和经济学的角度,采用文献法、定性分析法和规范分析法等方法来分析和探讨其合理性。

    This text will analyze and probe into the rationality of the slotting fee in these ways : the supermarket profit , marketing and economics , and use the following methods : documentary method , the method of qualitative analyzing and standardizing analyzing , and so on .

  2. 从品牌学角度,采用文献分析法和定性分析法,对CUBA品牌的含义、价值进行了分析和探讨,为CUBA联赛市场开发和持续发展提供理论参考和实践指导。

    This article adopts document and logic method to view the CUBA from brand angle , and analyses the brand value , refer to the market develop and sustained growth of CUBA .

  3. 研究方法:实地调查法、文献资料法、定性分析法。

    Methods of field survey , documentation , and qualitative analysis were employed .

  4. 在论述的过程中采用理论研究法、文献研究法和定性分析法等研究方法。

    In the course of discussion , I use theory research , literature research and qualitative analysis research methods .