
Study on Risk Characteristic of Financial Leasing and its Management & Based on Behavioral Finance
Based on the results of the analysis , proposed the suggestions for the risk control in international financial leasing .
Using the ICBC Financial Leasing Company to analyze . Chapter ⅴ: The suggestions for improving the risk control in international financial leasing of Mainland commercial banks .
By the conclusion of positive study using Logistic Model , the credit risk discriminant of domestic financial leasing is gained , and we can use this template to progress our risk management .
On Risk Control Mechanism of Finance Lease
Finally , using the information asymmetry theory , the economies of scope and scale theory , the vulnerability of credit theory to explain the risk of financial leasing . Chapter ⅳ: The risk control in international financial leasing of Mainland commercial banks and empirical study .
The risk evaluation index system provides effective reference for risk management and evaluation of a financial leasing company .
In the evaluation process of the risk of Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co. , Ltd. , the establishment of the single factor evaluation matrix used expert survey again .
Then , this article analyze the credit risk of the bank financial leasing company , analyzing the causes of credit risk of the company and the problems of the credit risk management , laying foundation for the study of credit risk management .
The paper attempted to manifest the financial leasing risk by means of management models and information from our financial leasing companies .
Because of the characteristics of financial leasing business , financial leasing exposes more complexity than other financial services in credit risk , interest rate risk , liquidity risk and operational risk and so on .