
  • 网络the Bottom of the Pyramid;base of the pyramid
  1. 金字塔底层的知识正被用来拓展新兴市场。

    Knowledge of the bottom of the pyramid is now being used to expand in emerging markets .

  2. 最近,普拉哈拉德以他的“金字塔底层”的思想而闻名于世,这个思想的大意是:全球的穷人市场对于商人来说是不应被忽略的,这个市场也能够为企业提供非常好的利润回报。

    More recently , Prahalad has become best known for his ideas about what he has called " the bottom of the pyramid " , the idea that poor people around the world can be a good and profitable market for businesses and should not be ignored .

  3. 金字塔底层则直接利用小波相位差和瞬时频率更新由上层内插得到的视差图,保持了相位匹配的亚像素精度。

    Phase matching runs directly on the bottom layer to retain sub pixel accuracy of the disparity .

  4. 像通常一样,那些在社会金字塔底层的人群受到最坏的影响。

    As always , it is those at the bottom of the social heap who are the worst affected .

  5. 徘徊于金字塔底层寻找大肆吹嘘的财富的公司不得不丢下消费者,从非消费者处着手。

    Companies in search of the much-vaunted fortune at the bottom of the pyramid have to start not with consumers but with non-consumers .

  6. 当商业能够满足金字塔底层人群的需求,他们的生存质量才能改善。

    When the needs of the people at the bottom of the pyramid are met by business , their quality of life increases .

  7. 今年,可持续银行概念的进一步扩展体现在两个奖项:金字塔底层的银行业&为世界上最贫困的人群提供金融服务;

    This year , there are two new categories that reflect the further widening scope of sustainable banking : banking at the bottom of the pyramid-financial services for the poorest people in the world ;

  8. 尤其是在信息安全建设金字塔底层的基础安全建设中缺乏集中的资源访问控制管理,使企业的信息安全基础存在重大的隐患。

    Especially in the information security and the bottom of the pyramid construction of the building of a lack of security based on the Resource Access Control management , enterprise information security infrastructure of the major hidden dangers .

  9. 处于金字塔底层的基层公务员,直接为社会群众服务,承担着维持基层社区稳定的重任,肩负着基层政权积极运转的重担。

    The Grass-roots Civil Servants formed the base of the pyramid , they serve the social group directly , undertake heavy responsibility of maintaining stability in basic community and bear the responsibility of active running of Grassroots Regime .

  10. 金字塔的底层是生存需求:食物、水和睡眠。

    At the base of the pyramid are survival needs : food , water and sleep .

  11. 但对于处在经济金字塔最底层的居民来说,这些都太过于昂贵了。

    But these are far too expensive for residents at the bottom of the economic pile .

  12. 此外,为处于经济金字塔最底层的人提供住所,所涉及的远不只是优秀的设计和负担能力。

    Moreover , housing those at the bottom of the economic pyramid involves much more than smart design and affordability .

  13. 从社会结构而言,他们是社会金字塔的底层;从国家政治统治来说,他们是地方政府管治的基本民众。

    In social structure they formed the base of the pyramid , and in political governance they are the very basic people ruled by the local government .

  14. 为了进一步提高配准可靠性,在金字塔次底层分别对近似图像和垂直细节图像进行加权相关配准,得到稳定的最优配准。

    To improve the reliability of registration ulteriorly , the optimized registration was gotten from the weighed correlation registration of approximate components with vertical details in the penultimate layer of the pyramid .

  15. 在法院系统中,数量众多的初审法院居于金字塔的底层,数量较少的上诉法院居中,唯最高法院居于金字塔的顶端。

    In the court system , a large number of trial court in the bottom of the Pyramid , a smaller number of court of appeals centered , only the Supreme Court in Pyramid .

  16. 属于时尚金字塔的最底层(第6层)的什物包括你衣柜中最基本的一些东西,它们应该占你衣柜所有空间的35%。这些东西是决定你每天的造型、并为你的魅力加分的基础物件。

    The bottom level ( 6 ) should make up about 35 % of your total haul and include your wardrobe ' basics . " They are , in essence , the staple pieces that highlight and drive the overall look .

  17. 问题就出在这——“对的人”。我今年28岁了,理想的情景是我已经结婚多年了。按照印度本地的标准,我已经是剩女了,很可能处在适婚女子金字塔的最底层;

    This is where the problem starts , with that phrase " the right guy . " At 28 , ideally I would have been married for a couple of years.By Indian standards , I 've left it late and I am probably at the bottom of the pyramid of eligible women .