- 名financial oligarch/magnate

[financial magnate(oligarch)] 帝国主义国家中掌握了金融资本的少数垄断资本家。他们是国民经济命脉和国家政权的实际操纵者。也叫财政寡头
The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies .
Mr Putin 's allies point the finger at Boris Berezovsky , a renegade Russian oligarch who lives in London and sponsored Mr Litvinenko .
No , the real extremists here are America 's oligarchs , who want to suppress any criticism of the sources of their wealth .
Meanwhile the financial oligarchs , corrupt officials , local bullies and bad gentry , all headed by Chiang kai-shek , have amassed vast fortunes .
Oliphant 's cartoon takes us into a world like that of the immensely rich industrialists and financiers who were prominent in the early 20th century .
The reality of Japanese politics for many years has been that the bourgeois moderates of Japan have fallen captive to the landlords and the financial magnates .
The solar wind : Your state of mind , is to look at the national will of the people , or look at financial oligarchs and arms dealers in the eyes ?
The author discusses how Putin made adjustments in Russian economic policy , including punishing corruptions in privatization , curbing illegal plundering by financial oligarchies , and encouraging economic recovery from deep recession .
The others share [ in the winnings ] sometimes , it is true , but their share is modest compared with the oligarchs and tycoons ; and they don 't usually keep their share for long .
The origins of America 's financial " oligarchy ", for instance , might have more to do with campaign-finance rules and political appointees than banks'size .
Study on Smooth Infinite Spot-financial Markets and Oligopolistic Markets
On the Finance Industrial Groups and the Finance Magnates in Russia