
  • 网络Financial intermediary;financial intermediation;financial intermediates
  1. 金融中介面临的风险

    Risks Faced By All Financial Intermediaries ( FIs ) ~ 1

  2. 现代金融中介的风险管理功能研究

    Research on the Risk Management Functions of Modern Financial Intermediaries

  3. 中国金融中介发展与地区经济增长:多变量VAR系统分析

    Financial Intermediation and Regional Economic Growth : the Multi-variable VAR System Research

  4. 而金融中介的BANK指标与贸易开放度不具有协整关系,在一定程度上表明,金融中介的风险分散功能的欠缺。

    But BANK index and opening degree of trade are not correlation , in a sense , it shows the function of dispersing risk of financial intermediation is absent .

  5. 同时,由于信托本身的金融中介功能,也应该在MBO实施中发挥作用。

    On the other hand , trust is able to function in MBO because it has some financial intermediary functions that are beneficial to MBO .

  6. 投资银行,InvestmentBank,是一种专门从事证券发行承销、证券经纪、企业并购、项目融资、投资管理等业务现代资本市场上重要的金融中介机构。

    Investment bank is a kind of financial intermediate agency in modern capital market specializing in such businesses as security issuing and underwriting , security managing , corporation merger , project financing , corporation financial transition conducting , and investment management , etc.

  7. 外在货币内在化的思想来源于Gurley和Shaw所提出的金融中介论与新货币经济学关于竞争性内在货币的论述。

    The thoughts of the evolution from outside money to inside money originated from the theory of financial intermediary by Gurley and Shaw and the theory of new monetary economics .

  8. 本章先对中国银行业进行概述,之后选择商业银行作为编制银行业SPPI的蓝本,论述了商业银行金融中介服务SPPI的编制过程。

    This chapter first on Chinese banking carding select commercial banks as a blueprint ; discusses financial intermediary service of commercial banks .

  9. 银行与基金:金融中介发展趋势分析

    Banks and Funds : Analysis on the Development of Financial Media

  10. 金融中介理论的新视角:功能观

    New Angle of View in Financial Intermediary Theory : Function Idea

  11. 合作社组织还可选择与金融中介协作。

    Or a group of co-ops may hire a financial intermediary .

  12. 对金融中介演变规律的理论解释是基于三条线索展开的。

    Evolution of financial intermediation are theoretically explained along three clews .

  13. 因而,在许多宏观经济模型中,资不抵债不可能发生;象银行这样的金融中介机构,通常不存在;无论公司是通过私募还是债务筹资并无区别。

    In many macroeconomic models , therefore , insolvencies cannot occur .

  14. 高新区创新网络中的金融中介组织研究

    A Study on Financial Mediums for High-Tech Industry District Innovation Network

  15. 贫困地区信用社的有效金融中介作用明显下降。

    Effective financial intermediation of RCCs in poor areas decreased dramatically .

  16. 金融中介信用环境建设中的法律因素

    The Law Roots of Difference in the Financial Intermediaries Development

  17. 第三,发展房地产金融中介机构。

    Third , the development of real estate financial intermediaries .

  18. 金融中介机构的功能是功能分析法的前提,因而是本章的重点。

    We concludes this chapter by emphasizing the functions of financial intermediaries .

  19. 现代金融中介职能演进动力探析

    Analysis of the Evolution of Functions of Modern Financial Intermediary

  20. 相比之下,区内本地金融中介活动的先进程度不足;

    By contrast , a lack of sophistication in domestic financial intermediation ;

  21. 试析金融中介在金融创新过程中的角色转变

    On the Change of Role Play for Finance Medium in Financial Renovation

  22. 契约、交易费用与金融中介的产生

    The Birth of Contract , Business Cost and Financial Intermediaries

  23. 第五章,农村存款型金融中介产权制度与委托代理关系。

    Chapter Three is rural deposit financial intermediaries institution .

  24. 金融中介发展包括其规模外在扩张型和功能内在深化型两种,现代金融中介的发展越来越倾向于后者。

    Development of finance intermediation means the scale expansion and the function evolution .

  25. 金融中介功能观框架下的中国金融体制改革

    China 's Financial System Reform in the Frame of Financial Intermediary Function Idea

  26. 致力推动以外币进行金融中介活动,是这方面的重要一环。

    This , importantly , should include facilitating financial intermediation in foreign currencies .

  27. 金融中介影响资产定价的初步探讨③投资报酬。

    Financial Institutions and Asset Pricing Return on investment .

  28. 金融中介与商业信用:替代还是互补&基于中国地区金融发展的实证分析

    Financial Intermediary and Commercial Credit : Substitution or Supplementation

  29. 其中的紧迫任务之一是关于金融中介经济学的建设。

    One of the urgent tasks is the building of financial intermediary economics .

  30. 不对称信息、金融中介与公司治理

    Asymmetric Information , Financial Intermediation and Corporate Governance