- 名financier

[financier;gnome] 银行家或理财专家,尤指于国际货币市场从事经营者
Gilded-Age figures such as J.P. Morgan , the financier , summered there .
Financier J. B. Fuqua has made a fortune putting deals together over the telephone .
That sort of romantic attitude cuts no ice with money-men .
I am negotiating with financiers to raise seed capital for my latest venture .
Financiers are calling for a relaxation of these stringent measures .
Conspiracy theories about Jewish financiers were the talk of Paris salons .
They are financiers who spoiled widows of their money .
They are joined by Arthur rock , the financier who helped find funding for the company .
Early investors included George Soros , the billionaire financier .
As throughout the post-Communist world , money from financier George Soros was vital .
Southern Cross and four seasons are fresh instances of a recurring theme : profits accrue to a few financiers , consequential losses are widely diffused .
When Lou Jiwei , the head of the China Investment Corporation , appears on a panel at Davos next week , he will attract a flurry of interest from financiers .
Wilbur Ross , the US financier , put up about five times the £ 50m Virgin Money injected to buy Northern Rock , the British bank .
Fast-paced financiers are turning to mindfulness , an ancient Buddhist idea that embraces meditation .
He was driving financier John Muse , who had given a lecture , to the airport and seized the chance to pitch his idea .
In early 2010 , a young Malaysian financier named Jho Low began making some very expensive real estate deals in the United States .
All eyes were on Prince George and Princess Charlotte at their aunt Pippa 's wedding to financier James Matthews last year .
George Soros , the billionaire financier , unveiled a plan yesterday to lend poor countries $ 100bn to deal with the threat of climate change .
Another is Michael Milken , the financier and philanthropist , who offers his Milken Institute conference in Los Angeles in the spring .
There could also be a wave of listings of German shipowning companies to make up for retail investors ' lack of appetite in traditional KG funds , according to senior financiers at a Hamburg conference .
One financier , referring to the forced resignation of Bob Diamond , the former Barclayschief executive , said : " What 's going on in London ? You are killing your bankers . "
The legendary financier Jim Slater and the television magnate Michael Green both used to belong to the same bridge club , while Warren Buffett enjoys playing with fellow billionaire Bill Gates .
Charles Johnson , the financier , pledged $ 250m to Yale University for new buildings , while Stephen Ross , the real estate developer , pledged $ 200m to the University of Michigan .
The French financier David David-Weill ( 1871-1952 ) , for example , had a taste for Art Deco and 18th-century furniture , Impressionist and old master paintings , Baroque sculpture and Byzantine objects .
Mr de Rato was attending a conference of leading policy makers at which private-sector financiers urged the Federal Reserve in the US and the European Central Bank to do more to reassure the markets .
As Andrew Haldane of the Bank of England argues , the state has " become the last resort financier of the banks " .
Financiers are talking of public stock sales by tech companies at a level not seen since the 1990s led by social networking company Facebook and a batch of other Internet and " Greentech " companies .
I was reminded of our conversation last week as I read about the heroic struggle between Guy Hands , the fat , tousled-haired financier , and Robbie Williams , the toned , close-cropped crooner .
But financiers took these securities and other types of debt and repackaged them again in structures known as collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ) .
High Financier , NiallFerguson 's biography of Siegmund Warburg , founder of the eponymous bank , delivers fascinating insights into why the US banking sector looks like it doestoday .