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miǎn tian
  • shy;bashful;blushing;embarrassed;publicity shy
腼腆 [miǎn tiǎn]
  • [bashful;blushing;embarrassed;publicity shy] 羞愧的样子

  • 这孩子见了生人有点腼腆

腼腆[miǎn tian]
  1. 她太腼腆,不愿向任何人求助。

    She was too shy to ask anyone for help .

  2. 他太腼腆,不好意思约她外出。

    He 's too shy to ask her out .

  3. 我十几岁的时候腼腆得很。

    As a teenager I was painfully shy .

  4. 他是个腼腆谦逊的人。

    He was a shy , self-effacing man .

  5. 她是个腼腆的女孩,需要朋友帮助克服羞怯心理。

    She 's a shy girl who needs friends to bring her out of herself .

  6. 她文静而又腼腆。

    She was quiet and shy .

  7. 他以前很腼腆,现在却走向了另一个极端。

    He used to be very shy , but now he 's gone to the opposite extreme .

  8. “你好,利兹,”她腼腆地说。

    ' Hi , Liz , ' she said shyly .

  9. 很多人认为是他的腼腆和缺乏安全感拖了他的后腿。

    Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down

  10. 博比望着她腼腆地咧嘴一笑。

    Bobby looked at her with a sheepish grin .

  11. 她在现实生活中是个腼腆而且不善社交的人。

    She was a shy and retiring person off-stage

  12. 他是一个腼腆的人,有时候还很忧郁。

    He was a shy , sometimes unhappy man

  13. 然而,他画过的所有女人中没有一个是羞涩腼腆的。

    None of the women he paints , however , could be described as shrinking violets .

  14. 亚洲女性表现得更为端庄腼腆,却往往外柔内刚。

    Asian women are more modest and shy , yet they tend to have an inner force

  15. 他看起来腼腆且局促不安。

    He seemed bashful and awkward

  16. 几年前她得了神经衰弱,自那以后就变得十分腼腆。

    She had a sort of breakdown some years ago , and since then she has been very shy

  17. 这孩子腼腆,不爱叫人。

    The child is shy and doesn 't like to greet people .

  18. 她生性腼腆,这使得她的生活很孤独。

    Her shyness condemned her to a life of loneliness .

  19. 你腼腆的那么可笑。

    You are so absurdly bashful .

  20. 安德鲁的老师形容他温和、腼腆、活跃。

    Andrew ' s teachers described him as gentle , shy and active .

  21. 他是个腼腆的人,你就不要再羞躁他了。

    He is a shy person . Don 't embarrass him any more .

  22. 在一次晚餐聚会上,一位腼腆的年青人一直在冥思苦想对女主人说一些好听的话。

    At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess .

  23. 自称“性格腼腆”的JK罗琳说过:“我从没过想过名声大噪,即使在我最疯狂的梦里。”

    The self-proclaimed " shy " author said : " I never in my wildest dreams expected this popularity . "

  24. Hale的儿子总是说,在他父亲看来,语言是腼腆者的伪装。

    Hale 's son always said that , in his father 's case , languages were a cloak for a shy man .

  25. 美国NationalPen公司开展的一次调查显示,字迹小的人往往比较腼腆、细心并且勤奋好学;而字迹较大的人则更加开朗外向,并且喜欢引起别人的注意。

    According to the research which was conducted by the National Pen Company , it is revealed that persons with small handwriting tend to be shy , meticulous and studious while people who were more outgoing tried gaining attention with larger handwriting .

  26. Trott女士SixApart公司的总裁,负责公司的对外事务,而Trott先生比较腼腆,不善交际,因此负责公司技术层面的工作。公司的运营则由经验丰富的管理人员负责。

    Ms Trott is Six Apart 's president and public face , while Mr Trott , who is shy and retiring [ 2 ] , runs the technical side of things and seasoned executives handle the management .

  27. 科迪腼腆地微笑着,紧紧地抓住我的手。

    Cody smiled shyly , gripping my hand for dear life .

  28. 劳笠把自己的腼腆忘得一干二净,并且立刻变得随和了。

    Laurie forgot his bashfulness , and grew sociable at once .

  29. 孩提时,他非常安静腼腆。

    As a boy , he was very quiet and shy .

  30. 老师尽力让这个腼腆的男孩参与谈话。

    The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in conversation .