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  • 网络Wat Traimit;Wat Trimitr;Wat Taimit;Wat Trimit;Golden Buddha Temple
  1. 而一向为金佛寺所默守的智慧和慈悲乃是从不争得来的。

    Thus , Buddhism 's scope expanded and Gold Buddha Monastery quietly exhibited wisdom and compassion born of non-contention .

  2. 自从首次被分派到金佛寺直至今日,金佛寺一直是我修道的灵泉。

    From that first assignment to date , Gold Buddha Monastery has provided an inspirational focal point in my monastic life .

  3. 在最初的金佛寺道场、文殊师利菩萨坐镇的讲经堂,每天都要讲两堂经。

    In that first Gold Buddha Way-place , Manjushri Bodhisattva presided over the lecture hall , where two lectures were given daily .

  4. 话说某天师父叫住了我,并突如其来地问我和恒明师是否愿意去加拿大的金佛寺服务。

    One day the Master stopped me and asked out of the blue if Heng Ming Shr and I would be willing to serve at Gold Buddha Monastery in Canada .

  5. 在这二十年岁月里,金佛寺所散发出的持久的稳定及不断的成长是我观摩学习的圭臬。

    It has been two decades since I first became resident at Gold Buddha and I have watched and learned from both the enduring stability and ever-changing growth that has transpired .

  6. 两名比丘的讲经越来越受许多加拿大人的青睬,从年轻到年长,皆能以金佛寺为门径,浑然忘我地闻知那无始无终的佛教教义。

    The monks'lectures grew in popularity , with many Canadians , from young to old , finding their way through Gold Buddha 's door to listen with rapt attention to the timeless teachings of Buddhism .