
  1. 基于量子隐形传态的完全Bell基测量

    Complete Bell Measurement Based on the Quantum Teleportation

  2. 利用三粒子GHZ态实现令牌环量子隐形传态网络

    Token Ring-Shaped Net of Quantum Teleportation by Using Three-Particle GHZ States

  3. 我们提出了一个应用三光子GHZ态进行量子隐形传态的改进方案。

    We present an improved scheme for quantum teleportation with three-photon GHZ states .

  4. 非均匀磁场中的海森堡XY模型热纠缠信道的量子隐形传送

    Quantum Teleportation through the Channel of Thermal Mixed States in Two Independent Heisenberg Chains

  5. 在这个方案中,一步制备的W态可以用于实现完美的量子隐形传态和超密集编码方案。

    In this scheme , a class of W states that can be used for perfect teleportation and superdense coding is generated by only one step .

  6. 考虑了测量设备的作用后,给出了N能级量子隐形传态的一种方案,该方案不需求助任何态矢坍缩假设即可达到既定目的。

    A new teleportation scheme of N-level quantum states is investigated , which takes into account the action of the measuring device and manifestly avoids any reference to the postulate of the state vector collapse .

  7. 最后,对基于超纠缠Brown态的双向可控量子隐形传态方案进行了安全性分析,证明方案能很好地抵御常见的攻击策略。

    Finally , this thesis analyze the security of two-way controllable quantum teleportation schemes based on the Brown state , which turns out the proposed schemes can resist common attack strategy .

  8. 概率量子隐形传态的腔QED实现

    Implementation of Probabilistic Teleportation in Cavity QED

  9. 量子隐形传态可以从发送者(通常称为Alice)处传输一个未知量子态给接收者(通常称为Bob),发送者和接收者是空间远离的。

    Quantum teleportation allows transmit an unknown quantum state from a sender , traditionally named Alice , to receiver , or Bob , both are spatially separated .

  10. 其中,量子隐形传态是量子通信领域中最引人注目的方向之一,这一概念是由Bennett等人在1993年最早提出的。

    Quantum teleportation , originally proposed by Bennett et al in 1993 , is one of the most strikingly interesting fields in quantum communication .

  11. 本文重点讨论了明亮双模压缩态作为EPR纠缠源优化连续变量量子隐形传态保真度的一系列问题。

    In this thesis , we focus our research on a series of problems of the fidelity of continuous variables quantum teleportation applying bright two-mode squeezed state for entangled source .

  12. 自从1993年Bennett等人提出了标准的量子隐形传态以来,量子态的隐性传递理论近年来得到迅速而广泛地推广,在实验上也取得了突破性进展。

    Since the original idea of teleportation introduced in 1993 by Bennett , the teleportation has been rapidly and widely developed and has made breakthrough progress in the experiment .

  13. 提出一个三粒子GHZ(Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger)态从发送者传送给两个接收者中任意一个的量子隐形传送方案。

    A scheme for teleporting a three-particle Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger ( GHZ ) state from a sender to either of the two receivers is proposed , where the quantum channel is composed of two three-particle W states .

  14. 最后,本文提出了两种采用正定算符值测量(POVM)进行量子隐形传态的理论方案,并分别讨论了它们成功传输的相应几率。

    Finally , we propose two new schemes for quantum teleportation by the method of positive operator-valued measurement ( POVM ) and discuss the corresponding success probabilities .

  15. 基于Braunstein与Kimble的连续变量量子隐形传态方案,通过调节输出端位移因子可以优化单模压缩相干态和单模压缩真空态量子隐形传态的保真度;

    Based on the scheme that continuous-variable quantum teleportation suggested by Braunstein and Kimble , by tuning the displacement gain in the transformation of the output field can optimize the fidelities of teleporting single mode squeezed coherent state and squeezed vacuum state .

  16. 量子隐形传态是量子通信中最简单的一种。

    Quantum teleportation is the simple one kind in quantum communication .

  17. 基于双模压缩信道的双模高斯态量子隐形传态

    Teleportation of a two-mode Gaussian state through double two-mode-squeezed-state quantum channels

  18. 量子隐形传送两体任意态的真实四体纠缠通道方案

    Teleportation of Two-Partite Arbitrary States Via Genuine Four-Partite Entangled States

  19. 优化相干态量子隐形传态的保真度。

    Optimizing the fidelity of coherent state of quantum teleportation .

  20. 量子隐形传态中纠缠态制备的研究进展

    Progress in studies on preparation of the entangled state in quantum teleportation

  21. 量子隐形传态是目前量子信息中人们关注的热门课题之一,它是量子信息理论的重要组成部分,也是量子计算的基础。

    Quantum teleportation plays an important role in the field of quantum information .

  22. 勿需测量坍缩假设的四粒子任意自旋态的量子隐形传输

    Quantum Teleportation of Four-particle State of General Formation Without the Postulation of Collapse

  23. 这个量子隐形传态方案成功的几率是0.5。

    It is shown that the successful probability of this teleportation scheme is 0.5 .

  24. 另外,量子隐形传态在量子稠密编码和量子密码术中有许多应用。

    Moreover , it may have applications in quantum dense coding and quantum cryptography .

  25. 热纠缠信道中量子隐形传态的研究

    Research about Quantum Teleportation in Thermally Entangled Channels

  26. 本文主要研究了量子隐形传态理论和量子秘密分享理论。

    In the paper , we mainly study about quantum teleportation and quantum secret sharing .

  27. 优化连续变量量子隐形传态的保真度

    Optimizing the fidelity of continuous-variable quantum teleportation

  28. 量子隐形传态及超密编码的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Quantum Teleportation and Super-coding

  29. 三维类猫态的受控概率量子隐形传态

    Controlled Probabilistic Teleportation of Three-dimension Cat-like State

  30. 量子隐形传态对于量子计算和量子通信的发展具有重要而广泛的作用。

    Teleportation plays an important role in the development of quantum computation and quantum communication .