
  • 网络quantum measurement
  1. 正由于Wigner函数在现代量子测量中具有重要意义,所以这些非对易空间量子效应可望通过Wigner函数被观测到。

    For the importance of the Wigner function in the modern quantum measurement , the non-commutative quantum effects may be observed through the Wigner functions in experiments .

  2. 量子测量的相对态解释及其理解

    The Relative - State Interpretation of Quantum Measurement and Understanding

  3. 基于量子测量的Fock态制备和自相位调制的影响

    The preparation of Fock states by quantum measurements in a Kerr media and the influence of self-phase modulation

  4. 从实验的角度看,随着微纳米和量子测量技术的发展,排斥的Casimir效应,包括力和力矩将来有可能测量到。

    From the point of experiment , with the development of the micro-nanotechnology and quantum demonstration , the repulsive Casimir effect , including the force and torque , might be measured in future .

  5. 广义测量是量子测量的一般形式。

    The general measurement is the common form of the quantum measurement .

  6. 从信息传输看量子测量过程

    The Quantum Measurement Process in the View of Information Transmission

  7. 论量子测量解释中的实在观

    On the Concept of Reality in Quantum Measurement Interpretation

  8. 量子测量理论的物理诠释及哲学蕴涵

    The physical explanation of the theory of quantum measurement and its philosophic implications

  9. 量子测量是量子理论乃至整个物理学的一个最敏感部分,对它的研究激发了许多哲学上的争议。

    Quantum measurement is the most sensitive part of quantum mechanics and physics .

  10. 量子测量与时空塌缩

    Quantum Surveying to Breakdown of Space - time

  11. 量子测量、隐形传送及量子逻辑电路

    Quantum Measurement 、 Teleportation and Quantum Logic Circuit

  12. 提出一种基于量子测量的球壳聚类方法。

    This paper proposes a method based on quantum measurement for spherical shell clustering .

  13. 量子测量是进行量子系统特性分析的基础。

    The quantum measurement is the foundation of the characteristic analysis of quantum systems .

  14. 量子测量的还原困惑及其消解

    The Puzzlement of Reduction in Quantum Measurement

  15. 量子测量的玻尔解释语境

    Bohr 's Interpretation Context of Quantum Measurement

  16. 从现象学的角度看量子测量

    Quantum Measurement & From a Phenomenological Perspective

  17. 提出了一种基于量子测量和坍缩的自适应形态运算。

    A morphological operation based on quantum measurement and collapsing is proposed in this paper .

  18. 量子测量的玻姆解释语境

    Bohm 's Interpretative Context of Quantum Measurement

  19. 量子测量对三维光子晶体中∧型原子动力学性质的影响

    The effects of quantum measurement on an excited Λ - type atom in three-dimensional photonic crystal

  20. 量子测量难题的解决中对于量子测量过程的分析是必不可少的。

    The analysis of quantum measurement process is necessary to the solution of quantum measurement problem .

  21. 量子测量与量子计算

    Quantum Measurement and Quantum Computation

  22. 连续变量纠缠态表象在量子测量和热场动力学中的应用

    Applications of Continuous Variable Entangled State Representation in the Quantum Measurement and in the Thermo Field Dynamics

  23. 原子动量的量子测量

    Quantum Measurement of Atom Momentum

  24. 这些结果在物质波干涉、量子测量、量子力学基本原理的验证等方而有着潜在的应用价值。

    These results could have potential application in matter wave interferometry , quantum metrology and test of quantum mechanics .

  25. 量子测量理论研究Ⅰ.论玻尔的不可控制的相互作用假说及其对量子测量的解释

    A Research into Quantum Measurement Theory ⅱ . N. Bohr 's postulates of uncontrollable interaction and its explanation of Quantum measurement

  26. 量子测量不仅仅是量子力学的基本公设之一,在量子信息领域,量子测量同样扮演着重要角色。

    Quantum measurement is not only the basic postulate , but plays a very important role in the field of quantum information .

  27. 讨论了量子测量对各向异性光子晶体中∧型激发态原子衰减的影响,主要包括衰减的抑制和加速效应。

    We have studied the effects of quantum measurements on the decay of an excited Λ - type atom embedded in anisotropic photonic crystal .

  28. 由于各向异性光子晶体的影响,较小频率的量子测量也能得到抑制衰减的效应。

    Due to the effects of the anisotropic photonic crystal , the decay suppression effect can be obtained in relatively low frequencies of the quantum measurement .

  29. 量子测量理论的认识论发展&从标准解释到隐参量理论

    The Epistemological Development of Quantum Measurement Theory & From the Standard Interpretation to Hidden Variable Theory Implicit learning of motor skill and exploitation of brain potential

  30. 普通量子测量假设引出佯谬,因为一个波函数在大能量条件下不描述单个粒子而描述系综。

    Because a wave function does not describe an individual particle but an ensemble under large energy condition , the usual postulate of measurement will lead to paradoxes .