
zhònɡ diǎn dān wèi
  • key unit
  1. 文摘:发电厂到处都是易燃易爆物品,火灾事故发生率高,损失大,是防火重点单位。

    Abstract : The power plant is the key unit of firefighting which is involved in inflammable and explosive materials , high accident rate and great losses .

  2. 在全国,尤其在西北地区陕西省游泳裁判员队伍作为重点单位,具有一定代表性。

    In China , particularly , in the Northwest region , Shaanxi Province swimming team as a key unit of the referee , with a certain representation .

  3. 消防安全重点单位除应当履行本法第十四条规定的职责外,还应当履行下列消防安全职责:

    Key units on fire control safety shall , in addition to performing the duties and responsibilities as stipulated in Article 14 of this law , perform the following duties and responsibilities on fire control safety :

  4. 高校属消防安全重点单位。

    Higher institution is the important fire control unit .

  5. 对消防安全重点单位应当定期监督检查。

    For key units for fire control safety , regular monitoring and inspection shall be conducted .

  6. 学生安全防火注意事项学校是消防安全重点单位之一。

    Student safety fire prevention regulation The school is one of the point unit of the fire fight safety .

  7. 目的了解武汉城区居民住宅、一般单位、重点单位室内家栖鼠种群构成。

    Objective To investigate indoor commensal rodent population structure in populated area , general institutions and emphasis institutions indoor in Wuhan .

  8. 消防监督管理系统是以消防重点单位管理为基础、消防监督为核心的消防监督执法平台。

    Fire supervision and management system is a platform of law execution which is based on the management of important fire_control units and focused on fire supervision .

  9. 其次,本文以武汉市为例,对其77个重点单位的国有土地资产量进行了系统的定量计算、分析。

    Next , this article take Wuhan as an example , has carried on the system quantitative evaluation , the analysis to its 77 key units ' state-owned land capital output .

  10. 市消防安全联系单位负责人、各县区主管消防工作的负责同志和消防安全重点单位负责人共140多人参加了会议。

    City liaison unit in charge of fire safety , county district director in charge of fire prevention and fire safety Comrade key units responsible for a total of140 people who attended the meeting .

  11. 为了满足日益增多的消防重点单位的空间数据的管理和检索速度的需要,本文设计了元数据库以及对该系统中的元数据表结构进行了详尽的分析;

    To be satisfied with the demand of the increasing of the fire-control units and the rapid search for information , the paper also puts forward to metadata database and analyzes the form of metadata database in details .

  12. 尤其是国家重点单位,涉密部门,重要会议场所等,更是对无线局域网安全问题格外重视。

    In particular , these places , such as the national key units , classified department , important meeting places , etc. , is also paid special attentions to the problem of WLAN security . Firstly , the WLAN security hierarchy is described .

  13. 体育院校是足球裁判输出的重点单位,武汉足球氛围浓厚,拥有发展足球运动的良好群众基础,同时武汉高校众多,为培养学生裁判员创造了很好的条件。

    Owing a good mass basis of developing soccer sport , Wuhan has a excellent soccer atmosphere . Sports colleges and universities is the key unit of output soccer referee and Wuhan has a good number a universities and colleges , so Wuhan has an advantage of training student referee .

  14. 南充市委、市政府重点接待单位。

    Major Reception Unit of Nanchong City Committee and Government .

  15. 本公司是重点防火单位,厂内严禁吸烟、严禁携带火种。

    This is a key fire prevention area , no smoking and tinder .

  16. 随着集装箱运输业愈加繁荣,集装箱港口企业也成了重点能耗单位。

    With the prosperity of container shipping , the port enterprises became large energy consumption units .

  17. 建立以重点要害单位和标志性建筑为核心的单位内部治安防范系统;

    Establish the internal peace order preventive system stressing on the important and crucial units and symbolizing buildings ;

  18. 2005年被授予广东省集成电路产业化重点示范单位。

    In2005 , Actions is awarded the industrialization key demonstration unit of an integrated circuit of Guangdong Province .

  19. 最后,还运用同样的回归方法对该财经类高校的重点教学单位&会计学院的毕业生做了进一步具体的分析。

    Finally , using the same regression the focus of the Finance and Economics University make a further detailed analysis to the important teaching units-Accounting College graduates .

  20. 它是益阳市政府挂牌重点保护单位,省科委认定的高新技术企业。

    It is listed and laid special stress on protecting the unit , the new high-tech enterprise which the provincial scientific and technological commission asserted by the government of Yiyang .

  21. 火花熄灭消声器是一种安装在内燃机排气管路中,允许排气流通过,且阻止排气流内的火焰、火花喷出及噪声传播的安全装置,适用于易燃易爆重点防火单位。

    Spark-arresting silencer is a secure device fixed in the exhaust pipeline of internal combustion engines , which allows the exhaust airflow to pass and prevents the flame , spark and noise from propagating .

  22. 银行属于国家一级重点监控单位,它作为当今货币存放和流通的主要场所,担负着国家经济运作的重要使命。

    Bank belongs to the national level key monitoring unit , and it as the currency deposit and circulation assuming the main place of the important mission of national economic operation , of the important mission .

  23. 本文在资料列举、观点比较和理论剖析的基础上,提出创立单位累犯的设想,并重点对单位累犯的构成条件和法律后果予以论述,提出自己的观点。

    By comparing different viewpoints , listing various data and analyzing theoretically , this dissertation suggests to set up unit recidivist , mainly discusses the conditions to constitute unit recidivist and legal sequence , puts forward its own viewpoints .

  24. 马蹄寺旅游景区是国家4A级旅游景区,是省级森林公园,景区内有全国重点文物保护单位马蹄寺石窟群。

    Mati Temple is the national4A tourist attraction and the provincial forest park , where have Mati Temple Grottoes , which are the important heritage site under state protection .

  25. 冶金重点用能单位节能监测分析

    Analysis on Energy Saving Supervision for Metallurgical Key Energy Use Enterprises

  26. 不,这可是重点文物保护单位。

    No , this is a key relic site under protection .

  27. 扁鹊庙为省重点文物保护单位。

    Que temple key units to be protected in order to save .

  28. 这里是全国重点文物保护单位河姆渡文化遗址。

    Hemudu cultural ruins is a protected national heritage site .

  29. 第二章是全文的重点,即单位犯罪形态。

    Chapter 2 is the key , namely unit full criminal pattern .

  30. 1991年4月被列为省级重点文物保护单位。

    It was appraised as the important protection unit of cultural relic of the province .