- 网络convection-diffusion equations;convection diffusion equation

Local discontinuous Galerkin method for generalized convection-diffusion equations
This paper presents a characteristic difference scheme based on cubic natural spline interpolation for the convection-diffusion equations and obtains discrete L_2-norm error the estimate .
The alternating group explicit ( AGE ) iterative method of exponential-type implicit scheme for the two-dimensional convection-diffusion equation
Comparative investigation of some high-order explicit schemes combined with QUICK for the convection-diffusion equation of pollutants
Solving one dimension diffusion-convection equation by Excel
A Lattice Boltzmann Method for One Dimension Convection Diffusion Equation
A Modified Dennis Difference Scheme for the Advection-Diffusion Equation
Characteristic difference scheme is formulated for a kind of one-dimensional convection-diffusion coupled system with Dirichlet boundary .
The Study with DG-FEM for Convection-diffusion Equation A Monotone Compact ADI Method for Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations
A conservative numerical scheme and its convergence analysis for a class of the NLS equation
Based on the continuous impressible Navier-Stokes equation and the convection-diffusion equation , the finite element method is used to simulate the mixing problem .
Crank-Nicolson Difference Scheme Along Characteristics for One-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation
The improved and relax semi-implicit compact schemes are presented , based on the second-order modified Dennis scheme for the convection-diffusion equations .
Hopscotch method and its improved schemes for convection-diffusion equation of pollutants
Perturbational finite volume method for convective diffusion equation and discussion
The steady state convective diffusion equations of EC_1 and EC_2 reac - tions in the channel electrode located in ESR cavity are solved by the implicit finite difference numerical method .
Effects of grid Peclet number and grid size on accuracy of finite difference
Based on the convection-diffusion equation , a numerical-simulate system of urban vehicle emission diffusion is built , which simulates the diffusion of vehicle emission in the city by 50-metre grid .
In Chapter Two , we firstly give the finite difference domain decomposition algorithm for linear convection dif-fusion equation , and then solve Burgers equation with the new finite difference domain decomposition algorithm .
The mass balance equation governing the chemical pollutants is discretized and solved by using the implicit characteristic Galerkin method for time-dependent convection-diffusion equations , in which the pollutant concentration is taken as the primary variable .
In [ 12 ] [ 13 ] , the author introduced direct discontinuous Galerkin ( DDG ) method to advection-diffusion equations .
A primitive equation ocean circulation model was used to simulate the dynamical environment of Liaodong Bay ; meanwhile , the Finite Volume Method was adopted to disperse the advection-diffusion equation describing the transport of nitrogen , phosphorous and COD .
Taking , the general two-dimensional steady convection-diffusion equation as an example , the deferred correction CDS scheme was derived based on the first-order upwind scheme , which we defined as DCDS scheme .
In this paper , a Crank-Nicolson type characteristics finite element method for a kind of 2-dimensional nonlinear system of convection-diffusion equations is proposed . The optimal error estimates in H ~ 1 norm is derived .
The agreement between numerical simulation results and experimental results confirmed the validity of the present model . Furthermore , based on the simulated stable Taylor bubble flow , by solving the convection-diffusion equation , the mass transfer process in a unit Taylor cell was simulated .
A new method for simulation of water quality in tidal channel network is put forward by integrating the dispersion equation for convection current describing the law of pollutants movement in river by use of FVM .
By Galerkin 's variation method of continuous time variable , the finite element equation of CDE is derived . It is a system of first-order ordinary differential equations with respect to time variable . Solving this system of equations , we yield whole process of solving CDE .
First , in Chapter two a new alternating segment explicit-implicit ( ASE-I ) method with exponential type for the numerical solution of the convection-diffusion equation is derived .
A kind of improved characteristics finite element method for convection-diffusion equations
Linear Modified Finite Difference Method Combined with Characteristics for Convection-Diffusion Problems