
  • 网络Major safety hazards;major source of hidden danger
  1. Rootkit是通过隐藏技术规避安全检测的一组程序,其已经逐渐成为计算机系统的重大安全隐患之一。

    Rootkit is a set of program which can bypass the security test by hiding techonology , and it has gradually become a significant threat to computer security .

  2. 非煤矿山重大安全隐患整体解决方案研究

    Study on the Overall Solution of Major Safety Risks in Non-Coal Mines

  3. 国际油价的动荡对国内经济会产生重大安全隐患。

    Volatility in international oil prices on the domestic economy will have a significant security risk .

  4. 将可能危及旅客人身安全、存在重大安全隐患的利器、钝器等列为禁止携带物品。

    Sharp or blunt objects that could endanger passenger safety or pose major security risks will be banned .

  5. 混凝土结构中裂缝的存在是许多工程,特别是大体积混凝土的重大安全隐患。

    The crack is many projects , specially for many concrete significant security hidden danger in the concrete structure .

  6. 所进口的医疗器械存在重大安全隐患或者发生重大质量问题的;

    The medical instruments as imported by this importer have severe potential risks in safety or serious quality problem ;

  7. 空间碎片以及废弃卫星对在轨运行的航天器是一个不容忽视的重大安全隐患。

    The potential safety hazard of space debris and useless satellites to the normal operating satellites could not be overlooked .

  8. 化学危险品储罐罐壁减薄是重大安全隐患,一定要高度重视,及早发现,及时处理,避免事态扩大。

    As important potential safety hazard , holding tank wall thinning down of chemical dangerous cargo should be disposed immediately .

  9. 上世纪七十年代以来,受自然和人为因素影响,西安市区出现了十余条危害严重的地裂缝,这些地裂缝成为西安地铁建设和运营的重大安全隐患。

    Since 1970s , there are several ground fissures appearing in Xi ' an area , as a result of natural and anthropogenic factors .

  10. 介绍了3万t/a隔膜烧碱装置氯气系统技术改造,经过改造消除了重大安全隐患。

    Technology innovation of chlorine gas system of 30 kt / a diaphragm caustic soda unit were introduced . After innovation hidden trouble was removed .

  11. 金属材料应变时效脆化将产生非常严重的后果,对工业生产和设备服役存在重大安全隐患。

    Strain aging embrittlement in metallic materials leads to very serious effects , and there are significant safety risks in industrial production and equipment service .

  12. 网络漏洞扫描技术利用最新的网络安全技术以及时取得网络系统安全状况的最新信息,防止重大安全隐患的发生。

    With the development of Internet , the research on Network Security Technology has made rapid progress , among which network vulnerability scanning is the key ones .

  13. 孝义铝矿五大矿区均存在大量的采空区,大型设备在作业过程中,经常发生挖掘机械陷落采空区的事故,造成设备的损坏、人员伤亡,给正常采矿生产带来的重大安全隐患。

    Large scale equipments often fall into these areas in the production process , causing damages to equipments and casualties to working staffs , which brings in great security risks to safety production .

  14. 改造后,达到了消除重大安全隐患,增效、节水的目的。为保障板坯生产的高效、稳定、连续奠定了基础。

    After reformation , the goal to remove hidden severe danger , im-prove the efficiency and save water is reached and lays the foundation for high efficient , stable and continuous production of slab .

  15. 中国的汽车消费者也逐渐对召回一词耳熟能详,而之所以对汽车产品进行召回,正是因为所涉及的汽车产品存在缺陷及缺陷所导致的重大安全隐患。

    In recent years , auto consumers in china are having come to familiar with the " recall " . The reasons for the recall of auto products are defects and significant security risks caused by defects .

  16. 实施专项安全评价,对非煤矿山存在的重大安全隐患准确定位,可为矿山安全生产和安全监督管理部门实施安全监管提供科学依据,能有效遏制重特大事故的发生。

    Exercising special safety assessment and locating accurately for serious hidden safety problems existing in non-coal mines can provide a scientific basis for safety supervision done by Mine Safe Production Department and Safety Supervision Department so that serious and special accidents can be controlled effectively .

  17. 但是从安全角度分析,这些特性给无线Mesh网带来了重大的安全隐患,其中路由攻击是无线Mesh网面临的最主要威胁之一。

    But in the view of security , these characteristics bring a lot of security threats , and routing attacks is one of main threats of Wireless Mesh Network .

  18. 目前UDP协议在Internet上被广泛应用,但是UDP数据包易于伪造,其本身存在重大的安全隐患。

    UDP protocol is now wildly used in internet , but it 's easy to forge a UDP datagram , which is a great security defect of UDP protocol .

  19. 劳动教育改造工作如果停滞不前,预示着给监狱、社会都留有重大的安全隐患。

    If labour educational transform working stagnation is not former , indicate to prison and society reserve have significant safe hidden trouble .

  20. 过去,企业主要依靠雇佣外部顾问来处理重大网络安全隐患,对于那些一般性的网络威胁,则只是简单地指派IT经理们来应付。

    In the past , companies could get away with hiring external consultants for big jobs while simply reassigning IT managers to handle more standard threats .

  21. 煤层底板突水问题成为煤矿开采的一个重大的安全隐患,带压开采已成为深部煤炭资源开发的主要开采方式。

    The water-inrush problem from coal floor has become a major security hidden danger of coal mining . Mining has become the main mining way of the deep coal resources development .

  22. 内网中的拨号外联行为是一个重大的安全隐患,网络非法外联监控系统可以全面、实时地监控整个单位网络内部的拨号行为。

    Dialing from an inner network to external networks is a fatal hidden trouble to security . A monitoring system for illegal network dialup fully monitors in real time the dialing behaviors from an inner network .

  23. 优化提升了工艺装备水平,具有显著的节水、节电以及环保效果,消除了重大生产安全隐患,使回收的工艺流程、设备装备水平达到国内领先。

    The technological equipment level is optimized and updated so as to achieve the goal of saving water and electricity and protecting environment , removing the great potential safety problems and catching up with the domestic leading position of technological flow and equipment level .

  24. 长大公路隧道常因地质地形原因要穿越浅埋破碎区,这段隧道开挖时容易产生塌方,从而造成重大的安全隐患和质量隐患。

    Because the huge highway tunnel with the geological terrain reason must pass through the shallow and crashed submersion area , when this section of tunnel excavation easy to have the landslide , thus creates the significant security hidden danger and the quality hidden danger .

  25. 近期,美国AGAPE基金会多次以捐赠的名义向我国转移不合格医疗器械,甚至医疗垃圾,存在重大的安全和健康隐患。

    Recently , US foundation AGAPE has repeatedly diverted unqualified medical instrument , sometimes medical waste , to China under the guise of donation , presenting hidden danger to security and health .