
  • 网络continuous furnace
  1. 降低连续式炉预冷淬火温度的工艺研究

    Investigation of the Technology of Lowing the Temperature of Precool hardening in Continuous Furnace

  2. 连续式炉钢管保护气氛热处理工艺的研究和应用

    Research and Application Concerning Technique of Heat-Treating Steel Tubes in Continuous Furnace with Protective Atmosphere

  3. DCS系统在小型连续式加热炉上的应用

    The Application of Distributed Control System in Small-Sized Continuous Type Furnace

  4. 新型早强高铝质浇注料在连续式加热炉上的应用

    Application of new early-strengthening high-aluminium casting material to continuous heating furnace

  5. 多室连续式真空炉的研制与应用

    Development and applications of multi - oven continuous vacuum furnace

  6. 工件表面状况对渗碳质量的影响&兼谈连续式渗碳炉预氧化的作用

    The Influence of Surface Conditions of Workpieces upon the Quality of Carbonization

  7. 轴承钢材在连续式退火炉中球化退火工艺试验

    Experiment on spheroidizing annealing of bearing steels in the continuous annealing furnace

  8. 实炉底节能连续式加热炉

    Energy-Saving Continuous Reheating Furnace with a Solid Base

  9. 计算机集散控制系统在连续式加热炉中的应用中、高热镀锌光辉连续炉

    Computer Distributed Control System for Controlling Reheating Furnace ; continuous bright heat treat furnace

  10. 介绍了端出料连续式加热炉炉头辊道的改造。

    The reformation of side discharge roll table of continuous reheating furnace is introduced .

  11. 蜂窝陶瓷连续式烧结炉的设计与应用

    Design and application of continuous ceramic sintering furnace

  12. 推杆连续式渗碳炉两种进料方式的对比分析

    The Analysis and Contrast Between Turning-Door Feed-in and Lifting-Platform Feed-in of Handspike Continuous Carbonization Furnace

  13. 连续式加热炉炉型结构的改造

    Structural Reformation of Continuous Heating Furnace

  14. 介绍了一种用于轧钢厂连续式加热炉中的新型滑轨。

    An introduction of a son of new style slide rails design for continuous rolling mill reheating furnace .

  15. 连续式加热炉拉钢速率与钢坯表面温度参与炉温控制

    The control of temperature of continuum heating furnace combining the drawing steel rate with surface temperature of steel billet

  16. 本文介绍了该厂燃油连续式加热炉在技术改造和加强管理方面的成功做法和经验。

    In the paper , the successful methods and experiences in technology reformation and management strengthening of the furnaces of the works are introduced .

  17. 本文介绍了环形加热炉和连续式加热炉生产能力的计算方法,提出了强化加热过程的措施。

    Capacity calculations of a rotary hearth furnace and a continuous reheating furnace are described , and the measures taken to strengthen heating are suggested .

  18. 本实用新型的钢料连续式加热炉的推料输送装置,适用于小型轧钢厂生产。

    The pusher type feeder apparatus for continuous heater of steel materials of the utility model is suitable for the production in a bar mill .

  19. 还以连续式电阻炉为例编制了设计软件,详细介绍了该软件的功能和使用方法。

    As an example , a soft-ware for continuous resistance furnace designing is worked out , its functions and method of application are introduced in detail .

  20. 阐述了新型早强高铝质浇注料在650轧机燃油推钢连续式加热炉上应用的经验。

    The experience of successful application of new early-strengthening high-aluminium casting material to 650 rolling mill continuous oil combusting pusher-type heating furnace is described in this paper .

  21. 研究了在连续式烧结炉中烧结铜基复合粉末多孔涂层管的新工艺,并对其性能进行了测定。

    The new sintered process of porous coating tubes with composite powder based on copper powder in continuous sintering furnaces is researched and their performances are measured in this paper .

  22. 介绍了多室连续式真空炉的性能、结构、特点以及在真空钎焊、粉末冶金材料真空烧结、金属材料真空热处理、电子器件与不锈钢保温容器的真空排气与封接等领域的应用及现状。

    Introduces the performance , construction and features of the newly developed multi-oven continuous vacuum furnace and its applications , including vacuum sintering of materials for powder metallurgy , vacuum heat-treatment of metals , vacuum sealing / outgassing , etc.

  23. 本文以上海第三钢铁厂连续式加热炉的控制系统设计为背景,首先介绍了加热炉计算机控制的发展现状以及连续式加热炉控制功能设计要求;

    Based on the design of automatic control system of Continuous Heating Furnace of Shanghai Third Steel Company . Above all , the development status of continuous heating furnace computer control system and the design requirements of functions of the heating furnace are introduced summarily .

  24. 实验表明,用双单片机按时分割方法并结合自校正PID算法实现多台连续式电加热炉的温度控制,不仅可以提高控温精度,而且系统的可靠性有很大提高。

    Through the experiments there are indications that the system using the double-chip microprocessor and linking up relevant self-correction PID algorithm to accomplish grouped control of the continuons electric furnaces improves not only the temperature control accuracy but also its reliability .

  25. 通常被人们称为STC炉的半连续辊底式炉,主要用作冷镦用钢丝盘条的退火处理,与罩式炉比较,退火质量好,单位燃料消耗降低。

    Semi continuous roller hearth type furnace referred to as STC furnace used for steel wire and rood coils annealing in process of cold heading and cold extruding , is superior in the annealing quality and the utilities consumption to Bell type furnace .

  26. 概述了MZK型智能控温柜和KCS型加热炉计算机集散控制系统的功能及硬、软件组成,并介绍了连续式烘干加热炉计算机监控系统的应用实例。

    This paper presents the properties of MZK type intelligent temperature control cubicle and KCS type computer distributing control system and their composition of software and hardware , and introduces the application of computer monitoring system in continuous heating furnaces .

  27. 网带连续式气体渗碳炉机组的研制

    Research & Development of Mesh Belt Continuous Gas Carburizing Furnace Group

  28. 半连续式真空钎焊炉的自动控制

    Automatic control for semi - continuous vacuum soldering welding stove

  29. 连续式气体渗碳炉自动生产线技术的发展

    Development of Continuous Automatic Production Line Technology for Gas Carburizing

  30. 连续式辊底炉热处理生产线自动控制系统

    Automatic Control Systems of Heat Treatment Production Line with Continuous Roller Bottom Furnace