
zhònɡ dà ān quán shì ɡù
  • major safety accident
  1. 因果图在重大安全事故分析中的应用

    Application of Causality Diagram in Major Safety Accident Analysis

  2. 将最小割集和最小径集的概念引入了因果图理论,并用于重大安全事故的定性和定量分析中。

    Minimal cut set and minimal path set are introduced to develop causality diagram methodology . And the application of causality diagram in major safety accident analysis is discussed in qualitative and quantitative ways .

  3. 安全性在LNG运输、存储过程中非常重要,因为气体一旦泄漏,当浓度超过爆炸极限后,极易造成重大安全事故。

    Safety is very important in LNG transport and storage . As combustible gas , LNG will cause heavy accidents when its concentration is over explosion limit , if it leaks .

  4. 工程重大安全事故罪之探析

    Inquiring into the Crime of a Serious Accident of a Project

  5. 工程重大安全事故罪的主观要件

    Subjective Components of Crime for Serious Safety Accident in Project

  6. 他在事故中安然无恙。重大安全事故时有发生。

    He emerged from the accident unharmed . Grave worksite accidents frequently occur .

  7. 工程重大安全事故罪是现行刑法新增加的罪名。

    Crime of serious project accident is a new additive accusation in the current criminal law .

  8. 对重大安全事故的党纪、政纪责任,在每个年度里都被三令五申。

    Major accidents of party discipline , the responsibility of government in each year are repeated .

  9. 教育设施重大安全事故罪之解读&一个实证的分析

    Analysis of the Serious Accident Caused by Educational Facilities & With Reference to An Actual Case

  10. 重大安全事故时有发生。

    Grave worksite accidents frequently occur .

  11. 工程重大安全事故罪主体只能限于特定单位;罪过形式只能是过失;

    It 's subject is only special units and it 's offense form has only the negligence .

  12. 这存在着很大安全隐患:稍一疏忽,就可能出现重大安全事故。

    Great potential safety hazard exists : a significant safety accident can occur with a slight negligence .

  13. 有些地方环境污染严重,重大安全事故时有发生。

    Environmental pollution is serious in some localities , and major accidents in the workplace are not uncommon .

  14. 一些领域市场经济秩序相当混乱,重大安全事故时有发生;

    Considerable disorder in some sectors in the development of a market economy ; frequent occurrences of grave accidents ;

  15. 利用红外技术探测地质构造是预防巷道作业重大安全事故的有效途径。

    Application of infrared technique to probe the geological structure is an effective way to prevent serious accident in drift .

  16. 井巷及采场瓦斯的超限存在可导致人员窒息、遇火爆炸等矿井重大安全事故。

    The supernal limit existence in mine roadways and faces may cause mine big safety accident such as person suffocation explosion etc.

  17. 在现有落后的拖运方式下极易导致管系发生损坏而引起停工、停产,甚者发生重大安全事故。

    The cable and pipes are so easily damaged which will lead to shutdown , stop production even grave security incident .

  18. 公共安全是现代社会发展中一个不可忽视的问题,旅游安全随着密云事件等重大安全事故也突显了出来。

    In order to reduce serious tourism safety accidents , the tourism safety information and being dealt with timely are keys .

  19. 近年来,我国在建筑安装项目安全上也取得了一些进步,但重大安全事故仍大量发生。

    Recently , China has improved a lot in construction safety , but there is still a lot of major fatality accidents happened .

  20. 工程重大安全事故罪是1997年刑法确立的一个新罪,本文主要对其犯罪构成、司法适用、刑事责任和立法完善等问题做了深入研究。

    Serious accident Crimes at the construction site belong to a new additive accusation affirmed by The 1997 criminal law of the country .

  21. 在金属矿山破碎围岩巷道的掘进施工中同时存在高压涌水作用,可导致重大安全事故。

    Excavation in metal mine roadways in broken surrounding rocks under the effect of high pressure water gushing may lead to serious accidents .

  22. 施工升降机作为直接为人服务的特种设备,其使用数量不断增多,升降机重大安全事故也呈上升趋势。

    As the special equipment , lift directly serve construction , its use an ever-growing number , elevators important safety accident also shows ascendant trend .

  23. 利用压力容器或者压力管道在存储和运输高压气体及某些液体物质的时候经常会发生一些容器或管道的重大安全事故。

    Pressure vessel or pressure pipe to store and transport high pressure gas and liquid substances can sometimes cause serious accidents of vessel or pipeline .

  24. 但由于氢气的渗透性强,易燃易爆,存在很大的安全隐患,极易酿成重大安全事故。

    However , due to strong penetrability , flammability , explosive , hydrogen can easily cause potential safety problems and trigger off major security incidents .

  25. 在一定瓦斯浓度及条件下,矿井内会发生瓦斯爆炸或瓦斯突出等重大安全事故。

    Under a certain concentration of gas and conditions , the gas in coal mine may explode or extrude and such big accidents will happen .

  26. 为了避免重大安全事故,提高产品质量,提高冶金生产的效率,需要对连铸的关键设备进行监控和故障诊断、预报。

    In order to avoid major security incidents , improve product quality , improve the efficiency of metallurgical production , Continuous casting equipment need be monitored and diagnosed .

  27. 对化工流程和设备进行早期和准确的故障检测与诊断,可以提高设备运行的安全性,避免发生重大安全事故,降低生产成本。

    Earlier fault detection and diagnosis accurately to chemical process and equipments can increase safety of equipment operation , thus serious accidents are avoided and production cost can be decreased .

  28. 其客观要件表现为违反国家规定,降低工程质量标准,造成工程重大安全事故的行为。

    It 's subjective important condition is where the criminal subject , in violation of State regulations , lowers the quality standard of a project and thereby causes a serious accident .

  29. 完善相关机制,严肃查处重大安全事故并追究有关人员责任,重特大事故下降16.9%。

    We improved relevant mechanisms , conducted thorough investigations into major workplace accidents and held those involved accountable . As a result , serious and major work-related accidents decreased by 16.9 % .

  30. 摘要内容:油品运输中由于静电放电引燃油品导致灾难发生的重大安全事故越来越多,已经给世界各国造成了巨大的经济损失。

    More and more disasters caused by the electrostatic discharge were often happened when the petroleum was transported using the tank . It has resulted in large economic loss in many countries .