
  • 网络Gravity logging;BHGM
  1. 重力测井技术应用于油藏注水动态监测的可行性研究

    Feasibility of applying gravity logging method to reservoir waterflooding monitorin

  2. 河北物探局受总公司委托来渝试验重力测井仪,试图在碳酸岩盐地层的溶洞、裂缝和礁体等的探测上见到好的效果。

    Especially , the meter is more superior in looking for vugs , reefs and the reservoirs with large pores and fractures far away from the wellbore .

  3. 重力测井具有探测范围大、受井径变化影响小、重复观测周期短、不受目的层埋深限制等优点。

    Gravity log has such advantages as wide investigation range , small effect of caliper variation , short repeated observation cycle , no limit for depth of the interested zone .

  4. 概述了该方法在重力、电法、测井及磁力等非地震勘探中的研究进展;

    An overall description progress in gravity , magnetic method , EM and log data interpretation .