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  • free memory
  1. mymodulecleanup函数是在卸载这个模块时被调用的,它用来释放内存并清除这个模块的踪迹。

    The my_module_cleanup function is called when the module is being unloaded and is used to free memory and generally remove traces of the module .

  2. 当没有足够的Java堆来满足储存请求(比如创建对象)时,底层的JVM将自动触发垃圾回收(GC)来释放内存。

    When insufficient Java heap is available to satisfy a request for storage ( for example , object creation ), the underlying JVM automatically triggers garbage collection ( GC ) to free memory .

  3. 交互型CAD系统得频繁的分配与释放内存。

    Interactive CAD systems have to allocate and deallocate memory frequently .

  4. 它不但可以简化Java智能卡程序的编写,而且能够实现动态的释放内存。

    It not only makes the Java Card programming simply , but also realizes the dynamically memory releasing .

  5. 要从池接口中释放内存,可以调用purgememory方法。

    To release memory from the pool interface , call the purge_memory method .

  6. 我们在放入数据的时候分配内存(malloc),移除数据的时候释放内存(free)。

    We allocate memory on put ( malloc ) and we free memory on remove ( free ) .

  7. 其次,STL包含一些低水平的分配和释放内存的机制。

    Second , the STL includes some low-level mechanisms for allocating and deallocating memory .

  8. 一个实用的自释放内存TSR程序的设计要素

    The Essential Factors in Designing a Utility TSR Program

  9. AIX分页替换守护进程一次扫描内存的一个分页,找出要回收的分页以释放内存。

    The AIX page replacement daemons scan memory a page at a time to find pages to evict in order to free up memory .

  10. 许多程序都非常消耗内存&它们占用了大量的RAM,而且当其他程序需要的时候也不会释放内存空间。

    Many programs are memory consumption-they occupy a large amount of RAM , and when other procedures , when necessary , and will not release memory space .

  11. 此外,由于我们在这些设备上存储了HTTP会话,因此我们得以释放内存,否则这些内存将会被此应用程序的JVM占用。

    In addition , since we stored the HTTP sessions on the appliance , we freed up the memory they would have otherwise occupied within the application 's JVM .

  12. 我们将可释放内存定义为/proc/meminfo中报告的MemFree、Buffers和Cache之和。

    We define freeable memory as the sum of MemFree , Buffers , and Cache as reported in / proc / meminfo .

  13. 用特殊的系统调用(即对UNIX内核的请求)分配和释放内存并设置权限;通过一般的读写操作读写内存段中的数据。

    Special system calls , or requests to the UNIX kernel , allocate and free the memory and set permissions ; common read and write operations put and get data from the region .

  14. 分配可以在O(1)时间内完成,释放内存池所需时间也差不多(实际上是O(n)时间,不过在大部分情况下会除以一个大的因数,使其变成O(1))。

    Allocation can be done in O ( 1 ) time , and pool release is close ( it 's actually O ( n ) time , but divided by a huge factor that makes it O ( 1 ) in most cases ) .

  15. 在以前版本的Xerces(如151)的示例程序是通过不释放内存来避免这个问题。

    The sample programs found in earlier versions of Xerces ( like1_5_1 ) avoided this by simply not releasing the memory .

  16. 届时我们会在放入数据时分配内存、移除数据时释放内存,我们能做这些事情是因为BigMemory是个缓存,而不是一般用途的Java程序。

    We then allocate memory on put and free it on remove , something we can do because we are a cache , rather than a general purpose Java program .

  17. newRequest()方法终止仍在活动的前一个请求,用delete操作符释放内存,并创建一个新的XMLHttpRequest实例。

    The newRequest () method aborts the previous request if it 's still active , frees the memory with the delete operator , and creates a new XMLHttpRequest instance .

  18. 在规则执行过程中,您可能会注意到服务器的一个内存使用高峰,但是,当规则执行时会释放内存,并且进程osh会终止。

    During the execution of a rule you will notice a peak in the memory usage of the server , but the memory is freed up as soon as the rule executes , and the osh processes terminate .

  19. 尝试关闭其他打开的应用程序以释放内存。

    Try to free up memory by closing other open applications .

  20. 注销那些不用的变量尤其是大数组,以便释放内存。

    Unset your variables to free memory , especially large arrays .

  21. 强制使系统不从内存加载动态链库从而释放内存。

    Force Windows to unload DLLs from memory to free up RAM .

  22. 请关闭部分应用程序或删除不必要的文件以释放内存。

    Please free memory by closing applications or by removing unnecessary files .

  23. 在释放内存时,需要把释放的节点插入到空闲树中。

    Freeing of memory involves inserting the freed node back to the free tree .

  24. 如果是,那么它将释放内存。

    If so , it frees the memory .

  25. 指在释放内存时选择播放的闹钟声音文件;

    Play alarm sound when freeing up ram ;

  26. 释放内存分配给硬件油墨层。

    Enable ( show ) or disable ( hide ) the hardware ink layer .

  27. 实际上,任何分配或释放内存的库函数都是不可重入的。

    As a result , no library functions that allocate or free memory are reentrant .

  28. 无法分配对象存储区,请关闭一些窗口释放内存。

    Object storage could not be allocated . Try closing some windows to free memory .

  29. 推出不常使用的应用程序,以释放内存,或者在你的电脑上安装更多的内存。

    Quit unused applications to free up memory , or install more memory in the computer .

  30. 使用大部分收集器时,您都无法干涉何时释放内存。

    With most collectors , you have no say when your memory is going to be freed .