
shì yì
  • interpretation;explanation;commentaries
  • paraphrase;explain;interpret
释义 [shì yì]
  • (1) [paraphrase;explain the meaning of]∶解释词语或文章的意义

  • (2) [religious doctrine;creed]∶指佛教教义

  1. 这一多数人的意见,以第3条(8)释义为基础,作为对第6条(b)的限制,解决了这个案子。听第3段对话,回答第5和第6小题。

    This plurality opinion resolved the case on the basis of an interpretation of section 3 ( 8 ) as a limitation on section 6 ( b ) .

  2. Stargardt病的FFA和ICGA同步造影释义

    Interpretation of FFA ICGA in Stargardt 's disease

  3. 这本词典里的释义是用罗马体印刷的。

    Definitions in this dictionary are printed in roman type .

  4. 按照释义,“邻居”就要居住在邻近的地方。

    Neighbours by definition live close by .

  5. “智力”一词目前还没有一个普遍认可的标准释义。

    There is no general agreement on a standard definition of intelligence

  6. 这本词典中的很多释义都是过时不用的。

    Many of the definitions in this dictionary are archaic or obsolete .

  7. 这部词典里的释义简明扼要。

    The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point .

  8. 你可以看一下这首诗的散文释义。

    You may read the prose paraphrase of this poem .

  9. 对西方学界有关族群(ethnicgroup)释义的辨析

    Discussion about the Definition of Ethnic Group in the Western Academic Field

  10. 对Landscape的释义及其理解的探讨和研究

    The Discuss and Study on Paraphrase and Understanding of Landscape

  11. 略论Landscape一词释义与翻译

    An Explanation and Translation of the Word Landscape

  12. 论英汉词语的文化底蕴制约&从WhiteElephant的释义谈起

    On Constraints of Cultural Spirits of E-C Words : From the Angle of White Elephant

  13. 第二部分:多元智能理论(MI)释义。

    In chapter two , the MI theory definition .

  14. 认知语义结构与意义驱动释义模式的构建&兼谈外汉双语词典的释义性质与释义结构浅论N1+在+处所+V+N2语义结构特征

    Towards a model based on the cognitive semantic structure and the meaning-driven definition Discussion on Semantic Construction Feature in the Chinese Sentence Pattern " N_1 + Zai + NP + V + N_2 "

  15. 简要介绍了Web农业古汉语电子词典项目缘起和设计方案,包括数据库设计、Web界面设计、数据库检索方法设计、古汉语词汇收集和释义等。

    This paper has briefly introduced the origin and design scheme of web agricultural ancient Chinese electronic dictionary project , including database design , web interface design , database retrieval method design , collection and paraphrase of ancient Chinese vocabulary , etc.

  16. 笔者在总结分析国内外学者的观点和研究成果的基础上,对VR的释义以及定义,提出了个人的意见和想法。

    On the basis of critical generalization of foreign scholars ' viewpoints and achievements , this dissertation articulates and presents the interpretations and definitions of VR .

  17. 而现在牛津英语字典也把BenedictCumberbatch的这部剧收录到字典里,作为ship新释义的例句。

    And now the Oxford English Dictionary has codified this by using the Benedict Cumberbatch series as its example to define the new word , ship .

  18. 经过多年演变,它的意思逐渐演变,如今已经变得迥然不同:按照《简明牛津英语词典》(ConciseOED)的释义,它表示“短促、尖利的叫声,尤其是由于疼痛或受惊所致”。

    Over the years , it came to mean something quite different : " a short , sharp cry , especially of pain or alarm " as the concise OED puts it .

  19. 获得对JLabel组件的引用并检验是否显示了正确的释义。

    Obtain a reference to the JLabel component and verify that the correct definition is there .

  20. 最后,从语用尺度原理的角度,讨论表示任指的Wh的极性特点及其对全称释义的影响。

    Finally , it discusses the effect of the polarity of Wh on the universal reading of the construction " Wh + 'dou / ye ' + VP " from the point of view of the principle of pragmatical scale .

  21. 文章首先对ALM进行释义,由于ALM适用于所有拥有资产现金流和负债现金流的金融机构,由此,不同的金融机构有着不同的ALM管理的实践。

    Firstly , the thesis gives the definition of ALM . Because ALM is relevant to the sound management of asset portfolio cash flow and liability portfolio cash flow of any institution that invests to meet liabilities , so different financial institutions have different ALM management practice .

  22. 文化翻译理论包括释义理论和社会文化学理论。

    The cultural translation theory includes hermeneutic theory and socio-cultural theory .

  23. 我们以释义结构判别法来辨别动宾式复合词。

    We use interpretation structure to determine verb-object structure compound words .

  24. 亚里士多德政治逻辑的当代释义

    The Implication of Aristotle 's Political Logic in the Modern World

  25. 传统心理治疗的困境与释义学对心理治疗的影响

    The Dilemma of Traditional Psychotherapy and Impact of Hermeneutics on Psychotherapy

  26. 日本人间意识的文化释义

    Cultural Explanation on " Ma " Consciousness in the Japanese Life

  27. 关联理论对英语中有定间接回指释义的阐释

    A Relevance-theoretic Approach to the Definite Indirect Anaphora Resolution in English

  28. 《合同法》释义与案例查询系统

    System for inquiring about the interpretation and precedent of contract law

  29. 论翻译学词典的特征与释义原则

    Special Features and Underlying Lexicographical Principles of the Dictionaries of Translatology

  30. 因此,对外汉语学习词典必须寻求新的释义方法。

    So that the CFL dictionary should seek new definition approaches .