
xǐng mù
  • Eye-catching;be striking;catch the eye;(of written words or pictures)catch the eye;attract attention
醒目 [xǐng mù]
  • [(of written words or pictures)catch the eye;attract attention;be striking] 显明突出,引人注意

醒目[xǐng mù]
  1. 达到醒目、简洁、特点突出、有时代感的视觉效果,增加收视率。

    The final aim of the propaganda film is to be striking , succinct , having conspicuous characteristics , having visual effect of the sense of the times and increase audience rating .

  2. 标志杆应着色,颜色醒目。

    The sign post shall be colored , and the color shall be striking .

  3. 球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。

    The team 's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps .

  4. 那种字体在深色背景下十分醒目。

    The lettering stood out well against the dark background .

  5. 警政制度规定,警察的番号必须醒目。

    Police regulations prescribe that an officer 's number must be clearly visible .

  6. 白雪覆盖的高山在蓝天的映衬下格外醒目。

    The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky .

  7. 各家报纸都以整个头版醒目地刊登了这一报道。

    The newspapers splashed the story all over their front pages

  8. 店面上方的招牌醒目地刷成了金色大字。

    The name is picked out in gold letters over the shop-front .

  9. 橙色的尖端在大多数背景下都很醒目。

    The orange tip shows up well against most backgrounds .

  10. 这些文章明显短了许多,并且配上了醒目的标题和图表。

    The articles are noticeably shorter with strong headlines and graphics

  11. 乡村教堂在天空映衬下的轮廓非常醒目。

    The village church dominates the skyline .

  12. 共和国新国旗上醒目地印着希腊马其顿王朝的古老标志。

    The republic 's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty .

  13. 房间的色调布置得鲜明醒目。

    The room was decorated in bold colors .

  14. 为醒目起见,请排黑体字。

    In order to make it stand out clearly , please print it in boldface type .

  15. 这些名字是用醒目的黑体字印出的。

    The names were traced out in stark black print .

  16. “宣言珠宝”就是让女人能展现自我风格、傲立群芳的醒目珠宝。

    Statement jewelry is a jewelry that allows women to define their own style and stand out as individuals .

  17. 科学家们发现,即使在移动过程中,这些虫子仍然容易失去醒目的图案。

    What the scientists found was that even when they were moving , the bugs7 still tended to lose that clear patterning .

  18. 车上插着一面红色党旗,飘扬在疾控人员头顶,昏暗的天色下这一抹鲜红格外醒目。

    A red Party flag attached to the vehicle fluttered above the workers ' heads , its bright color standing out in the dim light .

  19. 于是她跟了出去来到院子中央,但是一看到眼前奇怪的情景…差不多五码以外的地方,那个人静静地站在粮仓的屋顶上,在月光的照耀下格外醒目。

    She stepped outside and proceeded out into the middle of the yard , but she stopped short because the strangest sight met her eyes … the man was standing4 quietly on the roof of the barn , just about 5 yards away , illuminated5 only by the moonlight .

  20. a.明显的,醒目的就个性而言,约翰和彼得很明显不一样。

    There is a striking difference between John and Peter in terms of personality .

  21. 在VB6.0下实现文本的逐行醒目滚动显示

    Realization of Scrolling the Emphasized Line in the Textbox With VB6.0

  22. 武隆方面公布了它与派拉蒙的合作方北京一九零五网络科技公司(1905InternetTechnologyCompany)的多封往来邮件,邮件显示派拉蒙曾同意“醒目地呈现”中国武隆字样。

    The tourism agency released a number of emails between it and Beijing-based 1905 Internet Technology Company , Paramount 's partner , which showed that the studio had agreed to " a prominent display " of the Wulong sign .

  23. 不是电子邮件,是真的纸质的信,上面有FogCreek软件公司的抬头。我还用墨水笔,醒目地签上自己的大名。

    Not email , a real piece of paper on Fog Creek letterhead , which I sign myself in actual ink .

  24. 在他的督促下,玛莎百货新的中国零售主管马克·波顿(MarkBurton)已将小号女装摆放在醒目的展示位置。

    M & S 's new head of China retail , Mark Burton was seen moving smaller-sized women 's clothes to prominent display positions .

  25. 如果你一定要让主页醒目,整个使用Flash或一个大图片的话,请同时放置文本、和导航链接;

    If you absolutely MUST have your main page as a splash page that is all Flash or one big image , place text and navigation links below the fold .

  26. 和以前大型品牌的互联网广告不同,facebook上的广告不是抓人眼球的醒目广告或横幅广告,而是更加低调,与网站的整体设计融为一体。

    Unlike previous big brand advertising on the web , the ads on Facebook are not splashy displays and banners but more discreet , blending into the overall site design .

  27. 所以,2002年,他和萨尔蒂亚诺从朋友和投资者那里筹钱,在拉菲尔街(LafayetteStreet)开设了外观醒目的Butter餐馆。

    So in 2002 , he and Mr. Sartiano , with money raised from friends and investors , opened Butter , a scene-y restaurant on Lafayette Street .

  28. 这些骑行的新功能和其他各项很棒的新功能一起加入了watchOS8,例如正念app和照片的回忆等。我们今年的重点就是让这些功能,包括你用Watch做的各项事务,都能更醒目更完善。

    These cycling updates join all the other great additions in watchOS 8 , like the Mindfulness app and Memories in Photos . And this year we focused on making these features and everything you do on Watch bigger and better .

  29. 处理X星在天空中醒目地戏剧性地出现,第二个太阳现象偶尔会在日出或日落时呈现给观测者这件事对NASA来说意味着什么?

    And how does NASA mean to deal with a dramatic appearance of Planet X in the skies , for all to see , the Second Sun phenomena that on occasion presents itself to observers at sunrise or sunset .

  30. 它不只可以用来喝:Dial公司推出了用椰汁做保湿剂的香皂和浴液——其包装盒上醒目地点出这一成分。

    And it 's not just for drinking : Dial has released a soap and a body wash that use coconut water as a hydrating agent - and as a powerful image on the package .