- 【土】acid soil

The amount of aluminum leaching for acidic soil is much larger than that for alkaline soil .
Generally speaking the Shenyang western suburbs area soil organic content is 0.91-3.76 % equally , is on the level ; The soil pH value is 4.81-6.70 equally , by acid soil primarily ;
The silicate bacteria could make zine element dissolve slightly in 40 % of the acid soil samples . Zine element in the other acid and neutral soil samples had been fixed .
The extraction ratio , which meant the percentages that extracted C occupied the whole quantities of soil organic carbon , was : acid soils ( soil of Dark felty soils , felty soils and wet forest soils ) alkaline soils which was mainly consisted of calcium soils .
The results indicated that the amount of aluminium leached from acid or slight acid soils by solution with pH below 6.0 was exponential function of time and that the main factors influencing aluminium leaching were pH of leaching solution , buffer capacity of soils and the temperature .
There are many rare species , complicated geographical composition and the plants in acid soil there .
Sugar-factory lime sludge had a more favorable influence in improving the structure of acid soils than limestone .
The distribution area is mainly the acid yellow soil , and associated species is mainly masson 's pine .
Lettuce was shown to be most adaptable to acid vegetable soil , followed in sequence by neutral soil and slightly acid soil .
50 species are distributed on limestone , 130 species are distributed on acidic soil . Floral component is complex with tropical nature of community .
There are large areas and many kinds of acid soil in our country . The total areas amount to more than two hundred million hm2 .
Acidophilic actinomycetes were isolated from 10 acidic soil samples collected in Jiangxi Province , Yunnan Province and Beijing . About 90 % of them were streptomycetes .
In this study , 252 acidophilic actinomycetes were isolated from 10 acidic soil samples collected in Jiangxi Province , Yunnan Province and Beijing with dispersion and differential centrifugation approach .
There was obvious difference in different PH soil . The content of diosgenin was the highest in neutral soil , higher in acid soil , lowest in alkali soil .
Generally , the percentage of active humus of soil OM was from 30 % to 45 % , and it was comparatively higher in acid soils than in alkaline soils .
The soil samples are acidic or weaker acidic . The affects of organic matter , nitrogen , phosphorus , potassium to the dominance of valeriana officinalis are not significant which are below 0.1.The are positive correlation with the soil PH value .
The acid soil area in south of the Sichuan Basin was the major occurring area , the second was the old yellow alluvial soil and the new sandy alluvial soil . Until now , no blight was found to occur in the purple soil area .
The Eh of soil is decreased by application of glucose .
With a certain pH , the three soils absorbed the same heavy metal with strength in the order of calcareous purplish soils > neutral > acidic , which is in line with the order in surface charge density ;
The influences of Cd , Cu , Pb and As on peroxidase of rice roots in violet soils of acidic , neutral and alkaline were studied and it was shown that the peroxidase underwent the processes of inhibition and producing resistance .
Three types of acid soils : acid purple soil ( pH value 5.45 ), acid clay yellow soil ( pH value 4.99 ), and acid sandy yellow soil ( pH value 4.30 ), were used in a pot experiment to study the growth of 6 types of Medicago sativa .
Some problems concerning fractionation of organic phosphorus in acid paddy soils using the Bowman-Cole method were studied and a modified sequential fractionation scheme was proposed .
Bio-availability of phosphorus fertilizers in acid paddy soils with different P status . The Affecting Study of the Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal Efficiency in the DNP-MSBR Process
Results showed that the total organic P in plough layer of acid upland soil in Hunan Province was 165.5 ± 78.4mg · kg-1 , which takes about 23 percent of the contents of total P . In the total contents of organic P forms .
Nutrients absorption and nodulation ability of alfalfas in acid purple soil
A greenhouse study of the nutrient status of acid vegetable soils
Strongly acid peat soils are often low in calcium .
On the fractionation of organic phosphorus in acid paddy soil
Comparative studies on available Se extractants for acid paddy soils
Relationship between Phosphorus Desorption and Adsorption of Acid Paddy Soils in Guangdong Province