
  • 网络Saccharomyces;Saccharomyces sp;yeast
  1. 上海市空气中常年飘散着多种真菌,芽枝菌属、交链孢属、红酵母属、酵母菌属和青霉属等为优势菌群。

    The first five ranks of dominant airborne fungi were Cladosporium , Alternaria , Rhodotorula , Saccharomyces and Penicillium .

  2. 结果表明该菌株为一株耐热、耐酸和耐乙醇的酵母菌属菌。

    Results indicated that it was a typical strain of Saccharomyces sp. with thermostability , relatively high ethanol resistance and low pH tolerance .

  3. 酵母菌属间原生质体融合构建高温酵母菌株

    Construction of thermotolerant ethanol producing yeast by Protoplast Fusion

  4. 医院感染假丝酵母菌属的临床分布及抗真菌药物敏感分析

    Candida Infection : Its Clinical Distribution and Antifungal Sensitivity

  5. 抗酵母菌属抗体阳性与克罗恩病早期手术危险性增高相关

    Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody ( ASCA ) positivity is associated with increased risk for early surgery in Crohn 's disease

  6. 经鉴定,3株酵母菌均为酵母属(Saccharomyces)的酿酒酵母(saccharomycescerevisiae),并编号为2号、3号和8号菌株。

    The three yeasts were identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae of Saccharomyces , and No. 2 , No. 3 and on the 8th .