
pèi é ɡuǎn lǐ
  • Quota management;quota's administered
  1. 本文完成了三大部分的实现,首先完成了基于Web模式的云存储系统,主要实现了用户登录,配额管理,文件共享等重要功能。

    This paper completes three implementations . Firstly , we design and implement the storage system based on Web mode . The main achievements are user login , quota management , file sharing and so on .

  2. RHELServer5中的磁盘配额管理

    The disk quota management of RHEL Server 5

  3. TAC制度最初在国际渔业管理中产生,即从总允许渔获量制度进一步发展成为配额管理制度。

    Total Allowable Catch System ( TAC ) emerged at first in the world fisheries management . It means a further development of TAC System to Quota Management System .

  4. 重点研究了小文件存储优化、用户管理、配额管理、NFS和HDFS的融合等方面。

    This paper focuses on the small file storage , user management , quota management , NFS and HDFS integration , etc. The main work is as follows : 1 .

  5. 国家对部分进口货物可以实行关税配额管理。

    Certain imported goods may be subject to tariff rate quota control .

  6. 渔获量配额管理和提高渔获物附加值;

    Catch quota management and improved the quality of catch .

  7. 新增建设用地指令性配额管理的市场取向改进

    Market-oriented Reform of Administration in Incremental Construction Land Quota

  8. 第四节关税配额管理的货物

    Section IV Goods under the Administration of Tariff Quotas

  9. 这些关注包括:目前缺乏透明的关税配额管理规定;

    These concerns included the current lack of transparent regulations for administering TRQs ;

  10. 军办企业外贸配额管理的问题及对策

    Foreign trade and quota control in military enterprises

  11. 2011年政府对稀土出口实施配额管理。

    China sets rare earth output quota for2011 .

  12. 为了调控焦炭市场,我国现在已经出台了一些相关法规和部门规章,如《焦化行业准入条件》、《焦炭进出口配额管理办法》等。

    To control the coke market , China has now introduced a number of related laws .

  13. 在几经探索下,基于渔业资源生态特性而建立起来的产出式的配额管理制度逐步走向历史舞台。

    Fisheries quotas , a output control based biological characteristics gradually entered the stage of history .

  14. 硬盘空间配额管理的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Disk Quota

  15. 一些成员担心对这一做法在关税配额管理创造准入机会后将更加普遍。

    Some members expressed concern that this practice could become more widespread when access opportunities were created under TRQs .

  16. 第五条本办法适用于各种贸易方式下配额管理商品的出口。

    Article 5 These Measures shall be applicable to the exports of the commodities subject to quota administration in various trade forms .

  17. 中国正在努力简化关税配额管理制度和程序,以便利使用、提高效率和深化改革。

    China was trying to simplify the TRQ administration regime and procedures in a bid to facilitate use , enhance efficiency and implement further reform .

  18. 同时介绍了澳大利亚的信息系统建设,包括船舶监控系统、海洋环境与资源信息系统、配额管理及互动式语音报告系统等内容。

    It also includes the fishing vessel monitor system 、 Coastal Habitat Resources Information System 、 Quota and Interactive Vessel Report System and so on .

  19. 其次,分析污染物削减指令配额管理体制的优缺点,建立流域跨界水污染纠纷合作平调模型。

    Advantage and disadvantage of management system of appointed quota of pollution reduction have been analyzed , and model of cooperation and reallocation is brought forward .

  20. 第二十七条进口配额管理部门应当在每年9月15日至10月14日公布下一年度的关税配额总量。

    Article 27 The administrative departments of import quotas shall publicize the total amount of quotas for the next year between September 15 and October 14 of each year .

  21. 实施关税配额管理农产品相应的进口税目、税则号列及适用税率另行公布。

    The corresponding import tax items , tariff serial numbers and applicable tax rates for agricultural goods subject to the administration of import tariff quotas shall be promulgated separately .

  22. 第四十一条出口经营者凭出口配额管理部门发放的配额证明,向海关办理报关验放手续。

    Article 41 The export business operators shall present the certificate of quotas issued by the administrative department of export quotas to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination .

  23. 受托机构办理配额管理所需经费,由经济部国际贸易局编列预算支应。但处理配额之所得未缴交国库者,不在此限。

    Operational expenditures spent by organizations entrusted with quota administration shall be compensated by BOFT through its budgetary procedure except those spent on the administration of quota of which proceeds are not turned to the treasury .

  24. 第三十条进口经营者凭进口配额管理部门发放的关税配额证明,向海关办理关税配额内货物的报关验放手续。

    Article 30 The import business operators shall present its certificate of tariff quotas issued by the administrative departments of import tariff quotas to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration and examination of the goods within the tariff quotas .

  25. 进口配额管理部门要求关税配额申请人提交的文件,应当限于为保证实施关税配额管理所必需的文件和资料,不得仅因细微的、非实质性的错讹拒绝接受关税配额申请。

    The documents requested by the administrative departments of import quotas for submission shall be limited to those documents and materials that are necessary for effecting the administration and the departments may not refuse to accept the applications under the pretext of trifle , immaterial mistakes or errors .

  26. 凡属附件1范围的产品均实行出口配额有偿招标管理。

    All products in Appendix No.1 are under the export quota paid bidding administration .

  27. 这些工作组成员还对中国关税配额体制的管理和国营贸易企业与进口此类产品有关的做法表示关注。

    Those members of the Working Party also raised concerns regarding the administration of China 's TRQ system and the practices of state trading enterprises in relation to importing such products .

  28. 个体可转让配额制度在渔业管理中的运用分析

    Analysis on Applying Individual Transferable Quota System to the Fishery Management

  29. 对限制进口或者出口的货物,实行配额或者许可证管理;

    Goods whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to quota and / or licensing control .

  30. 成品油进口实行配额和许可证管理,并实行国营贸易和非国营贸易。

    The quota and license management system pertains to the import of oil products , also covering both state-owned trade and non-state-owned trade .