
  1. 理查的工作是生产各种混配茶。

    Rachid 's job is to produce the various tea blends .

  2. 罗拉:这里有什么好吃的可以用来配茶吃吗?

    Laura : Do they serve anything good to go with tea ?

  3. 这还有我们通常配茶吃的中式糕点。

    There is also some Chinese cake we usually eat along with tea .

  4. 理查甘达是伦敦一家大公司的品茶师和配茶师。

    Rachid Gandra is a tea taster and blender for an important company in london .

  5. 这块区域的营业时间是周三至周日,下午茶的收费是每人55美金,其中包括经典下午茶的票价,配茶的三明治和烤饼,以及凯蒂猫主题小蛋糕,凯蒂猫造型的立体方糖。

    Here , they offer a $ 55-per-person afternoon tea service available from Wednesdays to Sundays . This will include classic tea time fare , including tea sandwiches and scones , along with themed treats like mini Hello Kitty cakes and Hello Kitty-shaped sugar cubes .

  6. 十字餐包非常容易做,烤制的时候会散发出美味、诱人、朴实的味道,但是人们更愿意用买的,在早餐时简单的烤一下配着茶吃。(暴殄天珍啊)

    Most people buy them and have them toasted for breakfast or tea , but they are easy to make and give off a most delicious , inviting , homely smell when baking .

  7. 晚餐:牛排配花椰菜,茶,一杯水。

    Dinner : Beef and broccoli bowl , tea , glass of water .

  8. (我配着一杯茶,吃了几块饼干。)

    I had a few biscuits with a cup of tea .

  9. 作为一天的开始,最好的早餐莫过于此。当然,还要再配上一杯茶!

    Now this is the best way to start a day , plus a mug of tea of course !