
  • 网络OMSK;OMS
  1. 佩钦科出生于西伯利亚(Siberia)鄂木斯克(Omsk)。18岁那年,由于身为小提琴家的父亲在奥地利(Austria)的地方管弦乐团谋了份差事,他们举家移民至奥地利。

    Mr. Petrenko was born in Omsk in Siberia and immigrated at the age of 18 with his family to Austria , where his father , a violinist , got a post with a provincial orchestra .

  2. 位于奥布河上,鄂木斯克东部。

    R.on the Ob River east of Omsk .

  3. 鄂木斯克独联体苏联西伯利亚西部的一个城市,在鄂木河和额尔济斯河的交汇处。

    A city of western Siberian U.S.S.R.at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers .

  4. 据报道,他在鄂木斯克住院后陷入昏迷,后被转往德国接受治疗。

    He reportedly fell into a coma after being hospitalized in Omsk and was later transferred to Germany for treatment .

  5. 这是来俄罗斯自鄂木斯克市的阿纳托利·克纳恩科最新的杰出创作。这位57岁的艺术家是西伯利亚首位从事被他称为“微小型艺术”的人。

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko , from Omsk , in Russia.The57-year-old was the first in Siberia to make what he calls " microminiature " art .