
  • 网络quanzhou;Quanzhou City
  1. 制鞋业不仅是晋江的支柱产业,同时也是泉州市的支柱产业。

    Shoes-making industry is not only the mainstay industry of Jinjiang but of quanzhou .

  2. 目的探讨福建省泉州市老年2型糖尿病患者空腹血清甘油三酯与高密度脂蛋白胆固醇比值与大血管并发症患病率的关系。

    Objective : To study the association between the ratio of serum triglyceride to high density lipoprotein cholesterol ( TG / HDLC ) and macrovascular complications in aged type 2 diabetes in Quanzhou .

  3. 基于GIS的泉州市县域经济发展研究

    Study on Development of County-level Economy in Quanzhou City Based on GIS

  4. 基于组件GIS的国土资源管理信息系统的研究&以泉州市为例

    Research of Quanzhou Land Resources Management Information System Based on Components GIS

  5. 本论文主要调查了泉州市表层土壤中PAHs的含量,分析其主要来源,并对其生态风险进行了评价。

    In this paper , the content , sources and ecological risks of PAHs in topsoil of Quanzhou city were analyzed .

  6. 本研究采用叙事研究的方法选择两所学校进行田野调查,一所是广西桂林市的Z中学,另一所则是福建泉州市的X中学。

    This study adopts narrative research methods and chooses two school fieldwork , one is a Z school in Guilin of Guangxi province , another is a X middle school in Fujian of Quanzhou province .

  7. Shift-share方法在泉州市产业结构调整中的应用

    Method of Shift - share is in Quzhou State City Industrial Structure Adjust of Application

  8. 本文运用GIS(地理信息系统)和多种数学方法,结合区域经济学、发展经济学和经济地理学原理对泉州市的县域经济进行系统研究,得出较为客观正确的结论。

    This thesis is intended to apply GIS ( geography information system ) and various mathematics methods to make a systematical study of the county-level economy of Quanzhou City in combination with district economics , development economics and economic geography so as to draw an objective and correct conclusion .

  9. 利用1985年TM影像和2004年ASTER影像解译的结果,从五方面分析了海峡两岸的典型港口城市-泉州市和高雄市1985~2004年土地利用的变化及差异。

    Based on the Land use maps interpreted from TM images in 1985 and ASTER images in 2004 , this paper comparatively analyzes the land use / cover change between QuanZhou and GaoXiong city in 5 different aspects .

  10. 泉州市建筑物室内天然γ辐射剂量率测值范围为128.9~286.3nGy/h,按测点和人口加权均值分别为190.7nGy/h和188.5nGy/h。

    The point weighted and population weighted average value of natural γ radiation dose rate inside buildings was 190.7nGy/h and 188.5nGy / h , respectively ;

  11. 浅谈泉州市水利国有资产监管

    Ideas on monitoring and management of state-owned assets in Quanzhou city

  12. 泉州市2003年多起麻疹爆发流行病学调查分析

    Epidemiological Investigation Analysis on Multitude Measles Outbreaks in Quanzhou in 2003

  13. 泉州市行政管理中心基坑控制爆破及安全技术

    Foundation Pit Controlled Blasting and Safety Techniques in Quanzhou Administrative Center

  14. 电子信息产业是泉州市的重要新兴产业。

    Electronic information industry is an important emerging industry in Quanzhou .

  15. 泉州市耕地土壤氮磷钾养分平衡研究

    Study on the NPK nutrient balance of cultivated soils in Quanzhou

  16. 1999~2003年泉州市职业病危害调查

    Survey on occupational hazard from 1999 to 2003 in Quanzhou city

  17. 泉州市地下管线探测经验探讨

    Discussion on the Experiences of Underground Pipeline Detection for Quanzhou City

  18. 泉州市体育场地建设比较研究

    A Comparative Study for Construction of Quanzhou 's Sports Fields

  19. 泉州市民营企业的管理探索

    A Probe into the Management of Min-Ying Enterprises in Quanzhou

  20. 泉州市土地利用的时空变化特征探讨

    Study on spatial-temporal features of land use change in Quanzhou

  21. 泉州市国营林场公路建设与管护初探

    Approaching to the Construction of the Highway for the State-Owned Forest Farm

  22. 泉州市海岸带可持续开发研究

    The Research on Sustainable Development of Coastal Zone in Quanzhou

  23. 泉州市机动车尾气污染对儿童神经行为功能影响初探

    Effects of Traffic Exhausts on Children Neurobehavioral Function in Quanzhou

  24. 水泥土桩在泉州市的应用探析

    Research on Application of cement - treated soil piles in Quanzhou region

  25. 泉州市侨乡体育馆网架-拱架组合结构的吊索制作、张拉与测力窄扁拱形组合网架桥的静力特性

    Static Behaviors of Narrow Composite Space Truss Flat Arch Bridges

  26. 泉州市房地产拆迁测绘系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of QuanZhou Real Estate Resettlement System

  27. 巡访期间,我们还会见了泉州市市长。

    Next was a meeting with the Mayor of Quanzhou .

  28. 泉州市售牛奶中抗生素残留的分析

    Analysis of Residue of Antibiotics in Milk in Quanzhou

  29. 泉州市乡镇企业持续发展的对策

    Countermeasures of Sustaining Development for Rural Enterprises in Quanzhou

  30. 泉州市建设用地动态变化及驱动力分析

    An analysis of construction land dynamic transformation and its driving forces of Quanzhou